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How To Create GUI Elements in Macro Mod! (Cooldowns/Mana Bar)


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 11, 2012
Reviving this thread.

I made some pretty good improvements to this. I added audio files of me saying "Smite!" when I use the skill Smite and when the ability is off cooldown a sound plays of me saying "Smite is off cooldown". Pretty lame, but a good placeholder so far.

Working toward audio playing when I am below a certain % of HP and Mana. Possibly looking into an audio playing when party members are below a certain % of HP, but not sure if that is possible.

Definitely wanting to do custom audio playing when I get a kill or am on a kill streak. Might even be willing to have a separate audio play when I kill a certain player or when I die to a certain player (would be totes worth it to hear "died by a cheating hacker" every time @moosearefish kills me)... Sorry PewPew? Graphics popping up on screen to show kill streaks and all that shit is a given.

@Kainzo would you be able to supply me a list of all the PVP related death messages? Would be easy if it was always "x was slain by y" but that's not always the case. Hell, maybe PVE related ones too. Listening to The Cranberries - Zombie every time I die to a zombie would be dope.

Going to deck out the Disciple class as best as I can and will be willing to give the supporting files to anyone interested in the final product. You'll just have to manually change the username in the code. No fucking way I'll be doing that.

I'll see if I can post a video of my progress tomorrow. I've been busy lately :(


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 23, 2011
While on the subject, if anyone that's good at design wants to design a nice, clean mana bar I'll make a mod to implement it; let you put it anywhere of course. I'm not satisfied with how the macromod bars look, or I'd just stick with that.


Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 24, 2011
TERA, Mount Tyrannas
While on the subject, if anyone that's good at design wants to design a nice, clean mana bar I'll make a mod to implement it; let you put it anywhere of course. I'm not satisfied with how the macromod bars look, or I'd just stick with that.
I'm sure plenty of people would appreciate that. It's probably the better way to go as well.


Legacy Supporter 6
Sep 27, 2013
While on the subject, if anyone that's good at design wants to design a nice, clean mana bar I'll make a mod to implement it; let you put it anywhere of course. I'm not satisfied with how the macromod bars look, or I'd just stick with that.
Thanks so much, CD maybe? xD thats half of the heromod


Jun 26, 2012
I'm sure plenty of people would appreciate that. It's probably the better way to go as well.
Do you play anymore? Just wondering so I could just directly ask questions in game about this that aren't on the thread, if not that's fine


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 11, 2012
Here's an update on my progress:

I heard warm-ups were causing issues if the warm-up got interrupted. An example is during the 10 second warm-up for recall, if someone puts you in combat or if you choose to manually stop the warm-up, the warm-up bar would continue to run to 0 instead of stopping. Another potential issue is that if a warm-up is interrupted, and then you attempt to warm-up again soon after, the bar will run twice as fast. I'm pleased to note that I was able to fix this problem, but sadly ran into another one. See copy pasta below :

Got this to work almost perfectly. As soon as I use recall a 10 second timer shows up on screen along with a bar and a 'Recall Warm-Up' text. Also an audio plays of a 10 second countdown.

When I interrupt the warm-up the timer and bar will disappear immediately. The 'Recall Warm-Up' text changes to 'INTERRUPTED!!!' and stays on screen for 1 second, then disappears. An audio of me saying "pfft fuck off" plays as well. The problem is, I cannot shut off the audio of the 10 second timer no matter what.

As an added touch, when the warm up is completed and my recall was successful, an audio of Dorothy from Wizard of Oz plays "There's no place like home".

In a nutshell, starting and stopping the skill a bunch of times does not effect anything. Everything works as intended except for the 10 second audio countdown ending if interrupted. I will have to use a short audio clip instead of a 10 second audio clip, unless anyone knows of a stop sound code?

I'll make a video of this in working action tomorrow.

In summary, I'll have to compromise using a 10 second audio clip for the 10 second warm-up because I am not able to find a way to STOP sound if interrupted. I suppose I'll just have to live with a short audio clip when using recall (Maybe 'beam me up, Scotty'... stupid, right?).


Unless someone knows a command to stop playing sound? Let me know if you do, thanks.


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 11, 2012

Here's what I have been working on lately... Believe it or not I want to add MORE sounds, but come to think of it, this actually sounds fucking AIDS.

Just figured I'd show you all I wasted a lot of time for something really fucking shit. Oh well, at least I had fun? Not!


Legacy Supporter 6
Retired Staff
Feb 22, 2013

Here's what I have been working on lately... Believe it or not I want to add MORE sounds, but come to think of it, this actually sounds fucking AIDS.

Just figured I'd show you all I wasted a lot of time for something really fucking shit. Oh well, at least I had fun? Not!
Okay, all that sound IS horrifying, but it's kinda funny. Perhaps I'm just insane.
Sounds like a realtime MLG video.


Jan 8, 2016
Sorry for reviving this thread, but could someone script hp bar and sneaking/not sneaking scripts like this?
Feb 14, 2015
Haven't tried manabar yet, but I made a Sneak label. I don't have any coding experience, this is just stuff I threw together from everything else on this thread, and it can probably be compacted:
IFMATCHES(%CHATCLEAN%,"you are now sneaking");

IFMATCHES(%CHATCLEAN%,"you are no longer sneaking");
Not a cool down, I just kept it SNEAKCD for consistency lol.
Can easily be edited for things like fade/camouflage; hex codes currently turn green when sneaking and red when not, can easily be changed.


Legacy Supporter 7
Sep 6, 2011
Haven't tried manabar yet, but I made a Sneak label. I don't have any coding experience, this is just stuff I threw together from everything else on this thread, and it can probably be compacted:
IFMATCHES(%CHATCLEAN%,"you are now sneaking");

IFMATCHES(%CHATCLEAN%,"you are no longer sneaking");
Not a cool down, I just kept it SNEAKCD for consistency lol.
Can easily be edited for things like fade/camouflage; hex codes currently turn green when sneaking and red when not, can easily be changed.

Quick note for anyone like me who is using this as a basis for writing other things, "colour" must be all lowercase or else there is a syntax error and it will not work. Took me longer than i'd like to admit to debug that error. So be aware of capitalization if something isn't working

Another change to this code that i made that i liked is replacing "not sneaking" with "Visible" as you cannot mistake "sneaking" and visible for eachother at a quick glance, while you can confuse "not sneaking" and "sneaking"


Legacy Supporter 7
Retired Staff
Jan 5, 2016
IFMATCHES(%CHATCLEAN%,"^Mana: (.+?) - (.+?)%",&mana,2);
IFMATCHES(%CHATCLEAN%,"^MANA (.+?)%",&mana,1);
IFMATCHES(%CHATCLEAN%,"^(..)% [",&mana,1);
There's an unneeded "[" in there (in the 8th line) that will mess up the script, can someone edit that out? Since new players would still be using this guide.
Took me awhile to get mine to work because of it lol
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