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~Brimhollow~ [Not Recruiting]


Legacy Supporter 3
May 3, 2013
Minecraft IGN: ArchiePVP
Age & Timezone: 17 Adelaide Australia GMT +10:30
Combat Class (include level): Samurai 36
Profession (include level): Enchanter 37
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: 1~9
When did you join Herocraft: Don't remember was probably 2012 or 2013 though based on my forum join date, joined a bit before that.
How active are you in general: Decently active usually always idling in my TS vault when I'm on
Why are you joining Brimhollow: I won't lie I really just need a place to stay and hoard my goodies, a good community is always nice too.
Any previous towns (if applicable): Other maps
Reason for leaving (if applicable): N/A
PvP or PvE (just curious): You'll never guess based on my name but I actually quite like PVP

PS. Won't be on for another 40 hours or so, might have a late reply.


Legacy Supporter 4
Apr 10, 2013
Canadia! why else would I be so friendly?
Minecraft IGN: ArchiePVP
Age & Timezone: 17 Adelaide Australia GMT +10:30
Combat Class (include level): Samurai 36
Profession (include level): Enchanter 37
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: 1~9
When did you join Herocraft: Don't remember was probably 2012 or 2013 though based on my forum join date, joined a bit before that.
How active are you in general: Decently active usually always idling in my TS vault when I'm on
Why are you joining Brimhollow: I won't lie I really just need a place to stay and hoard my goodies, a good community is always nice too.
Any previous towns (if applicable): Other maps
Reason for leaving (if applicable): N/A
PvP or PvE (just curious): You'll never guess based on my name but I actually quite like PVP

PS. Won't be on for another 40 hours or so, might have a late reply.
Accepted! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Get in contact with myself, @Muphins69, @The7_ or @matt4397 in-game to get yourself settled!
In the meantime, I'd suggest reading through the OP if you havent already :)


Sep 26, 2015
Minecraft IGN: PunisherOfWar
Age & Timezone: 18 & canada
Combat Class (include level): Ranger 14
Profession (include level): crafter14
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~15
When did you join Herocraft: About a month ago
How active are you in general: trying to become more active, a few hours a day
Why are you joining Brimhollow: looking for a community to be apart of
Any previous towns (if applicable): no
Reason for leaving (if applicable): got none
PvP or PvE (just curious): both


Sep 26, 2015
Minecraft IGN: PunisherOfWar
Age & Timezone: 18 & canada
Combat Class (include level): Ranger 14
Profession (include level): crafter14
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: 10 ~15
When did you join Herocraft: About a month ago
How active are you in general: anytime from 5:30 - 11:00
Why are you joining Brimhollow: looking for a community to be apart of
Any previous towns (if applicable): N/A
PvP or PvE (just curious): mostly PVE and a little PVP once in a while
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Mar 13, 2013
Minecraft IGN: PunisherOfWar
Age & Timezone: 18 & canada
Combat Class (include level): Ranger 14
Profession (include level): crafter14
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~15
When did you join Herocraft: About a month ago
How active are you in general: trying to become more active, a few hours a day
Why are you joining Brimhollow: looking for a community to be apart of
Any previous towns (if applicable): no
Reason for leaving (if applicable): got none
PvP or PvE (just curious): both

Denied. You were denied because you didn't read the town rules.
I wish you luck finding a town elsewhere!
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Sep 26, 2015
Minecraft IGN: PunisherOfWar
Age & Timezone: 18 & canada
Combat Class (include level): Ranger 14
Profession (include level): crafter14
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: 10 ~15
When did you join Herocraft: About a month ago
How active are you in general: anytime from 5:30 - 11:00
Why are you joining Brimhollow: looking for a community to be apart of
Any previous towns (if applicable): N/A
PvP or PvE (just curious): mostly PVE and a little PVP once in a while

P.S if there's anything else ya need just let me know


Glowing Redstone
Sep 7, 2012
Minecraft IGN: Mr_Spiffles
Age & Timezone: 21, UTC -4
Combat Class (include level): Ranger 22
Profession (include level): Crafter 14
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~11
When did you join Herocraft: Er...yesterday
How active are you in general: Depending on day a couple hours
Why are you joining Brimhollow: I like the sound of an organized town with job positions. That and to be honest I just need a town to offer a home in exchange for my service in whatever is needed.
Any previous towns (if applicable): None
Reason for leaving (if applicable): Well I felt as if my contributions were simply being glossed over, I mean im no hero but taking out a battalion of berserkers with only some string and a slimeball deserves at least a free coupon for a cookie at the diner. Also someone scuffed up my 50 foot tall golden statue of Bob Ross. No one scuffs up Bob Ross.
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvP


Mar 13, 2013
Minecraft IGN: Mr_Spiffles
Age & Timezone: 21, UTC -4
Combat Class (include level): Ranger 22
Profession (include level): Crafter 14
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~11
When did you join Herocraft: Er...yesterday
How active are you in general: Depending on day a couple hours
Why are you joining Brimhollow: I like the sound of an organized town with job positions. That and to be honest I just need a town to offer a home in exchange for my service in whatever is needed.
Any previous towns (if applicable): None
Reason for leaving (if applicable): Well I felt as if my contributions were simply being glossed over, I mean im no hero but taking out a battalion of berserkers with only some string and a slimeball deserves at least a free coupon for a cookie at the diner. Also someone scuffed up my 50 foot tall golden statue of Bob Ross. No one scuffs up Bob Ross.
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvP

Accepted! Welcome to the Hollow of Brim!
Message me, @Rihawk_ @The7_ or @matt4397 in-game to get started!
Also, please re-read the first two main posts incase you think you missed anything.


Glowing Redstone
Aug 8, 2015
Minecraft IGN: racerninja135
Age & Timezone: 23( this was my older bro's acc)MST
Combat Class : 43 pyro
Profession : 44 farmer
Building skill on a scale of 1-20:~16
When did you join Herocraft: Aug 8, 2015
How active are you in general: 1-3hrs on daily basis
Why are you joining Brimhollow: I want to be in a town again
Any previous towns: Pemben, Misthalin
Reason for leaving: Pemben destroyed for Citadel, Misthalin disbanded
PvP or PvE: PvE I guess
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Mar 13, 2013
Minecraft IGN: racerninja135
Age & Timezone: 23( this was my older bro's acc)MST
Combat Class : 43 pyro
Profession : 44 farmer
Building skill on a scale of 1-20:~16
When did you join Herocraft: Aug 8, 2015
How active are you in general: 1-3hrs on daily basis
Why are you joining Brimhollow: I want to be in a town again
Any previous towns: Pemben, Misthalin
Reason for leaving: Pemben destroyed for Citadel, Misthalin disbanded
PvP or PvE: PvE I guess

Denied. In order to be accepted to Brimhollow, you have to read the town laws.
Good luck with your town search elsewhere.
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Feb 25, 2015
Minecraft IGN: LinkLife1111
Age & Timezone: 16, US Central Standard
Combat Class (include level): Ranger 5
Profession (include level): Crafter 20 (changing asap)
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~12
When did you join Herocraft: April 16, 2016
How active are you in general: generally 1-2 hours/day on weekdays, more on weekends
Why are you joining Brimhollow: I would like to join a town, and I thought I this would be a nice town to join
Any previous towns (if applicable): N/A
Reason for leaving (if applicable): N/A
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE, hopefully getting into PvP


Mar 13, 2013
Minecraft IGN: LinkLife1111
Age & Timezone: 16, US Central Standard
Combat Class (include level): Ranger 5
Profession (include level): Crafter 20 (changing asap)
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~12
When did you join Herocraft: April 16, 2016
How active are you in general: generally 1-2 hours/day on weekdays, more on weekends
Why are you joining Brimhollow: I would like to join a town, and I thought I this would be a nice town to join
Any previous towns (if applicable): N/A
Reason for leaving (if applicable): N/A
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE, hopefully getting into PvP

Accepted! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Message me, @Rihawk_, @matt4397, or @The7_ in-game to get started!
In the meantime, I would suggest reading over the first 2 posts incase you think you missed anything.