• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
    Stuck or have a problem? use "/pe create" to to open a ticket with staff (There are some known issues and other hotfixes we will be pushing asap)
  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!

~Brimhollow~ [Not Recruiting]


Legacy Supporter 4
Apr 10, 2013
Canadia! why else would I be so friendly?
We hail from a hollow, secluded and dim.
We survive at all costs, no matter how grim.
We help if we're called on, the pay being slim.
We bring honor to New Delve, for we are the Brim.

Quite a Fabulous Place

~The Laws of the Brim~
1. Follow the laws of Herocraft.
2. Respect ALL other Brim at all times.
3. Use common sense and help the Brim when asked.
4. Do NOT participate in activities that may bring shame to Brimhollow.
5. Do NOT steal (or borrow without permission) from any of the Brim (if you do, we will know).
6. Do NOT attack other Brim unless challenged (friendly sparring is acceptable).
7. Do NOT ask for promotions, they will be distributed to the deserving.
8. Replace your answer to the fifth question in the application with a tilde (tilde = ~) and the length of your entire ign as a number.
9. Do NOT build anywhere on the town island (the big ring) without permission from @Rihawk_ (this includes editing your home!).
10. All laws which pertain to the Brim also apply to ALL New Delvians.
~Governing Hierarchy~
High Official Ranks:
Mayor - Ruler of the town & builder
SIC - Chief adviser to King
Council - Advisers & resident crowd control & tutors
Sentinel - Head of the guard & PvP/PvE trainer

Other Official Ranks:
Exchequer - Town financier & avid market user
Scribe - Keeps boards up to date & writes books
Helper - Head of Farms/Mine upkeep
Guard - PvP'ers & National Aid Brigade

Current officials:
Mayor - Rihawk_
SiC - the7_
Council - Rihawk_, the7_, Muphins69, matt4397
Sentinel(s) - N/A
Exchequer(s) - Rihawk_
Scribe(s) - Rihawk_, matt4397
Helper(s) - the7_, matt4397
Guard(s) - N/A
~Join the Brim Now~
Minecraft IGN:
Age & Timezone:
Combat Class (include level):
Profession (include level):

Building skill on a scale of 1-20:
When did you join Herocraft:
How active are you in general:
Why are you joining Brimhollow:
Any previous towns (if applicable):
Reason for leaving (if applicable):
PvP or PvE (just curious):
~A History of the Brim~
Lore has yet to be written...
~Denizens of Brimhollow~
Current Townies:
Rihawk_, shaquiqui, the7_, bonkeywonkey, matt4397, Muphins69, asesinangel, Noahhtho, nlup, SemiFatal, Mumuz, Destava, Skylian
*There is a DAILY TAX OF 10c in Brimhollow. Voting all 4 times once will keep you funded for 5 days!*

*ONLY @Rihawk_ can build in town unless otherwise stated.*
*Applications will NOT be accepted if the rules have not been read.*
*There will be harsh consequences for breaking laws in Brimhollow.*
*Its advised to read this entire main post once you've been accepted while you wait for us ingame.*
*Everything here is subject to change. Check periodically for updates.*

*You will be considered inactive after 14 DAYS of not being online.*
*If you go inactive, your belongings will now belong to the town and be stored accordingly. You may be reimbursed should you come back from inactivity*

@Admins could I please get a shortlink hc.to/brim
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Legacy Supporter 4
Apr 10, 2013
Canadia! why else would I be so friendly?
~Alliances and Treaties~
Nation: New_Delve
Allies: Tiltwo, Ocean's Edge, Altum
~Current News and Events~
- Brimhollow is not recruiting currently.
- We currently have pre-built housing, crop farms, tree farms, mines, enchantment room, brewing and a public warehouse!
~Plans for Brimhollow~
- Screenshots of the town
- Finish resident housing
- Finish gates
- Make Town Center
- Start lower staff housing
- Claim more of the island
~The town of Brimhollow~
Pictures coming soon... Maybe...
~Example Application~
Minecraft IGN: Rihawk_
Age & Timezone: 18 & PST
Combat Class (include level): Disciple lvl 54
Profession (include level): Engineer lvl 50
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~7
When did you join Herocraft: April 10, 2013
How active are you in general: Roughly 4 hours a day
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Because I founded it
Any previous towns (if applicable): Tiltwo
Reason for leaving (if applicable): I wanted to start my own town
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE
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Dec 10, 2014
Minecraft IGN: SpooderManPlayz
Age: 14
Combat class: Cleric 22
Proffesion : Engineer 33
Are you a good builder: " Building Is for Ribirds "
When did you join herocraft: December 22 2014
How active are you in general: 30minuites - 2 hours a day in general
Motives for applying to brimhollow: " The Brimmer you are , the better you will become " ( i dont know what you mean for applying motives for BrimHollow )
Any previous towns: Ignasia
Reason for leaving: Inactive
PvP or PvE: Im more of a PvE person cause i cant combat Players by myself and im trying to get Engineer lvled enough for elevators and the Cannon Skill :)
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Legacy Supporter 4
Apr 10, 2013
Canadia! why else would I be so friendly?
Minecraft IGN: SpooderManPlayz
Age: 14
Combat class: Cleric 22
Proffesion : Engineer 33
Are you a good builder: " Building Is for Ribirds "
When did you join herocraft: December 22 2014
How active are you in general: 30minuites - 2 hours a day in general
Motives for applying to brimhollow: " The Brimmer you are , the better you will become " ( i dont know what you mean for applying motives for BrimHollow )
Any previous towns: Ignasia
Reason for leaving: Inactive
PvP or PvE: Im more of a PvE person cause i cant combat Players by myself and im trying to get Engineer lvled enough for elevators and the Cannon Skill :)
Acceptimundooooo! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Get in contact with myself, @shaquiqui or @The7_ ingame to pick a home and get settled!
Until then I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main post. ;)

*Revised question 8 in the application to avoid further confusion*

*Updated the *Important Notice* to "clarify" what I'm looking for*
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May 14, 2012
Minecraft IGN: kohgan
Age: 38
Combat Class: Ninja 23
Profession: Farmer 30
Are you a good builder: "Building is for Ribirds"
When did you join Herocraft: apparently 3yrs ago, but maybe the server has changed since then I started playing about 2 weeks ago.
How active are you in general: I play MC almost everyday, and have been voting ever since I started playing as well.
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Need a place to call home on the server. a place where My items will be safe.
Any previous towns: Imperial
Reason for leaving: not really happy with the "location".
PvP or PvE (purely for numbers): I prefer PVE.


Legacy Supporter 4
Apr 10, 2013
Canadia! why else would I be so friendly?
Minecraft IGN: kohgan
Age: 38
Combat Class: Ninja 23
Profession: Farmer 30
Are you a good builder: "Building is for Ribirds"
When did you join Herocraft: apparently 3yrs ago, but maybe the server has changed since then I started playing about 2 weeks ago.
How active are you in general: I play MC almost everyday, and have been voting ever since I started playing as well.
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Need a place to call home on the server. a place where My items will be safe.
Any previous towns: Imperial
Reason for leaving: not really happy with the "location".
PvP or PvE (purely for numbers): I prefer PVE.
Aaaccepted! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Pm myself, @shaquiqui or @The7_ ingame to be invited!
While you wait for that you can familiarize yourself with the above main post and get hyped!
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Jan 16, 2016
Minecraft IGN:Neoni
Age (we take all ages):13
Combat Class (include level): Druid and Level 11 turning 12
Profession (include level): Crafter choosing Farmer when Mastered Crafting
Are you a good builder: Building is for Ribirds
When did you join Herocraft: Jan 16 2016
How active are you in general: Active when school doesnt get away. Basicly I can join everyday after school :)
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Me and 2 of my friends needs a home cause we aren't really safe
Any previous towns (if applicable): Ayrith
Reason for leaving (if applicable): Unsafe and I don't really like the town
PvP or PvE (purely for numbers): Can I choose both? But I would prefer PVE. Im more a support person


Jan 23, 2016
Minecraft IGN: Mumuz
Age (we take all ages): 15.
Combat Class (include level): Bard 11.
Profession (include level): Crafter 9.
Are you a good builder: Building is for Ribirds
When did you join Herocraft: Awhile back but didn't really play so I'm just gonna say 1/23/2016
How active are you in general: After school sometimes and always on during weekends.
Why are you joining Brimhollow: For friends and a place for protection!
Any previous towns (if applicable): N/A
Reason for leaving (if applicable): N/A
PvP or PvE (purely for numbers): PvE
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Nov 10, 2015
Minecraft IGN:Neoni
Age (we take all ages):13
Combat Class (include level): Druid and Level 11 turning 12
Profession (include level): Crafter choosing Farmer when Mastered Crafting
Are you a good builder: Building is for Ribirds
When did you join Herocraft: Jan 16 2016
How active are you in general: Active when school doesnt get away. Basicly I can join everyday after school :)
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Me and 2 of my friends needs a home cause we aren't really safe
Any previous towns (if applicable): Ayrith
Reason for leaving (if applicable): Unsafe and I don't really like the town
PvP or PvE (purely for numbers): Can I choose both? But I would prefer PVE. Im more a support person

Accepted! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Pm me, @rihawk10 (ign: Rihawk_) or @shaquiqui ingame to be invited!
While you wait you can familiarize yourself with the main post on this page! See you then!

Minecraft IGN: Mumuz
Age (we take all ages): 15.
Combat Class (include level): Bard 11.
Profession (include level): Crafter 9.
Are you a good builder: Building is for Ribirds
When did you join Herocraft: Awhile back but didn't really play so I'm just gonna say 1/23/2016
How active are you in general: After school sometimes and always on during weekends.
Why are you joining Brimhollow: For friends and a place for protection!
Any previous towns (if applicable): N/A
Reason for leaving (if applicable): N/A
PvP or PvE (purely for numbers): PvE

Accepted! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Pm me, @rihawk10 (ign: Rihawk_) or @shaquiqui ingame to be invited!
While you wait you can familiarize yourself with the main post on this page! Talk to you then!
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Glowing Redstone
Mar 3, 2013
Minecraft IGN: matt4397
Age & Timezone: 18; Eastern Time
Combat Class (include level): Shaman; 12
Profession (include level): Crafter; 20
Are you a good builder: Building is for Ribirds
When did you join Herocraft: 2 or 3 years ago; Came back 2 days ago
How active are you in general: Trying to be on everyday
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Looking for a small friendly town to help out with.
Any previous towns (if applicable): Mayor of Beaverville
Reason for leaving (if applicable): Stop playing and a server wipe
PvP or PvE (purely for numbers): More towards PvE


Mar 13, 2013
Minecraft IGN: Muphins69
Age & Timezone: 19; Eastern Time
Combat Class (include level): Ninja, 9
Profession (include level): Crafter; 20
Are you a good builder: Building is for Ribirds
When did you join Herocraft: 2 or 3 years ago, Came back 2 days ago
How active are you in general: Trying to be on everyday
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Looking for a small friendly town to help out with
Any previous towns (if applicable): Beaverville
Reason for leaving (if applicable): Server was wiped; town is gone
PvP or PvE (purely for numbers): PvE


Legacy Supporter 4
Apr 10, 2013
Canadia! why else would I be so friendly?
Minecraft IGN: matt4397
Age & Timezone: 18; Eastern Time
Combat Class (include level): Shaman; 12
Profession (include level): Crafter; 20
Are you a good builder: Building is for Ribirds
When did you join Herocraft: 2 or 3 years ago; Came back 2 days ago
How active are you in general: Trying to be on everyday
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Looking for a small friendly town to help out with.
Any previous towns (if applicable): Mayor of Beaverville
Reason for leaving (if applicable): Stop playing and a server wipe
PvP or PvE (purely for numbers): More towards PvE

Minecraft IGN: Muphins69
Age & Timezone: 19; Eastern Time
Combat Class (include level): Ninja, 9
Profession (include level): Crafter; 20
Are you a good builder: Building is for Ribirds
When did you join Herocraft: 2 or 3 years ago, Came back 2 days ago
How active are you in general: Trying to be on everyday
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Looking for a small friendly town to help out with
Any previous towns (if applicable): Beaverville
Reason for leaving (if applicable): Server was wiped; town is gone
PvP or PvE (purely for numbers): PvE

You both are A-A-Accepted! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Get with myself, @The7_ or @shaquiqui ingame to get settled!
In the meantime, if we aren't online, I suggest you familiarize yourselves with the main post :)
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Jun 3, 2014
Minecraft IGN: KnightFury13
Age & Timezone: 15 (UTC+03:00)
Combat Class (include level): Paladin (level 30)
Profession (include level): Crafter (Planning to be a Blacksmith)
Are you a good builder: "Building is for Ribirds"
When did you join Herocraft: about two years ago, but I've been on and off
How active are you in general: depends on my schedule, but usually I can play 5 times a week
Why are you joining Brimhollow: I want to find a good town and a place I can call home, and Brimhollow looks like the town I wanted to find.
Any previous towns (if applicable): Imperial
Reason for leaving (if applicable): The town was messy and the owner didn't really prioritized the members.
PvP or PvE (purely for numbers): Either is good for me I can do PvP or PvE


Oct 24, 2015
Minecraft IGN: KnightFury13
Age & Timezone: 15 (UTC+03:00)
Combat Class (include level): Paladin (level 30)
Profession (include level): Crafter (Planning to be a Blacksmith)
Are you a good builder: "Building is for Ribirds"
When did you join Herocraft: about two years ago, but I've been on and off
How active are you in general: depends on my schedule, but usually I can play 5 times a week
Why are you joining Brimhollow: I want to find a good town and a place I can call home, and Brimhollow looks like the town I wanted to find.
Any previous towns (if applicable): Imperial
Reason for leaving (if applicable): The town was messy and the owner didn't really prioritized the members.
PvP or PvE (purely for numbers): Either is good for me I can do PvP or PvE

ACCEPTORINO! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Get in contact with myself, @rihawk10 (ign: Rihawk_) or @The7_ on the server to get yourself moved in. Until then, familiarize with our main post and when you see us online we will move you in!
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