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To each their own


Legacy Supporter 6
Jul 19, 2011
The Multiverse
Since the leaving section is still under construction..

After a while of being Semi-Active, Semi-Inactive.. I'm going to take my leave from Herocraft.

While the last almost 2 years has been off and on between myself and this server, they have been good. Mainly in light of the fact that I have met some amazing people, and also had my share of people I want to strangle.

Real life things are taking me from the game, my want to go to college, the situation with my grandma and her illness' and the fact she needs a caretaker, my girlfriend whom has been here for me and is supporting me as I choose head into these things, and also the fact that other games have caught my attention over Herocraft, as I feel that with the recent loss of players and the activity diminishing that Herocraft has gone stale.

I know I have made Friends and Enemies here on Herocraft, to which I will address here shortly, but to each your own and I wish you all to have happy and good lives.

I've learned a lot from the different people here on Herocraft, lessons that I will take over to other stages of my life, even some lessons that I can apply to my college career choice. I'll never forget the chances you have all given me, and I thank you for it.


leftovers5 - Ah my king, it has been good knowing you. Despite the fact we had issues in DG you always treated everyone with the same amount of respect as they gave you, something i always admired. Many lessons can be learnt from you, if only you were more active! I wish you the best of luck my friend.

Eldrylars - You took the chance of letting me into paragon even when you didn't know who I was. In return I showed you just how valuable I could be, you took a chance, and I appreciate it my friend. I wish you luck in your endeavors. In the end, this is just a game right and in the end, its about the fun.

WitchOnaRampage - You are your humor! I enjoyed the talks we had, and enjoyed helping with with all the information you needed for the wiki. Keep up the good work Witchy. <3

gabizou - Ah Gabi. I'm going to start with our normal Teamspeak greeting... "Fuck you." IN ALL SERIOUSNESS now, Gabi your a great guy, I've enjoyed working with you on the HeroModPack and I wish you the best of luck when you travel the road less traveled and encounter whatever life may have in store for you.

northeaster345 - Ah north, I enjoyed being able to talk to you about any situation at all in teamspeak. Also the seriousness you had while building while still having fun at the same time made for some good times. Thank you for being around and tolerating my derpyness, I wish you the best of luck wherever life may lead you.

Midnight_Storm67 - Bro. I'm going to miss you. The fun we've had tearing apart each others homes while madly punching each other, or kicking each other out of Teamspeak. Most of all I'll miss your crys for help. I hope your life treats you well my friend.

Oudaiesty - Thank you for all the help you have provided to me Ouda, without you, I don't think I could have made the choice to do what I want in college. Programming here I come <3

Scycor - You were a good friend, even though you de-synced and ruined my dreams during pvp tournaments, I always enjoyed having a good laugh with you in any channel. May your life be fruitful and full of lessons to be learned.

jake332211 - Your now Mayor, wanna play some APB?

EzMac2099 - APB yo? I need to let off some steam.

More tags coming in the next post.


Sage of World Making
Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 16, 2011
Well you know what? Fuck you too :p Why do you have to leave me?!?!

But yes, Real life does take priority over games, always.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jul 19, 2011
The Multiverse
Sirdemonic3 - You've always been a great friend, no matter if we were at war with each other or not, I knew I could confide in you, thanks mang, you have my skype.

Symbolite - Always hard at work doing nothing, Symbo during my time in DG apart of your guys' kingdom I learned that you were an awesome guy, even before that point and I would hang with Barn you were always an awesome guy, don't change.

TheMrLief - Tag, Love you Lief.

Angyles - Thank you for everything, as a friend and as a "boss" I learned a lot from both you and Danda both of you, take it easy eh?

Barnubus - thank you for everything Barn, as I said before without you I never would have left Windhelm to become what I had today.

c12095 - I never joined TC, I'm sorry ;_;

Apherdite - I'm going to miss the fun times we had hanging out, gossiping about people.. Your an amazing person and I hope life treats you well.

Kainzo - Thank you for everything, all the chances you have given me, and also all the fun times in other games like PoE, Planetside 2, and Blacklight Retribution.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jul 19, 2011
The Multiverse
monkeyfatzer - While you annoy me, you taught me one thing, the world and the people in the world don't change, if you want change, you have to make it yourself. However, I wish you the best of luck in anything you choose to do.

uin153 - You just annoy me.. However, I wish you the best of luck in anything you choose to do.

lumont - while you were annoying I still remember the time you joined Windhelm with some of your friends and we had you compete in the sewers... good times, I'm more neutral with you then anything. However, I wish you the best of luck in anything you choose to do.

MsGigi - Yep I still hate you. You taught me there will always be power hungry people in this world, and that no one is exempt from that, and I will always double or triple check who I am putting into power, promoting, or assigning work to. i thank you for the lessons you gave given me while I was active, and I wish you the best of luck in anything you choose to do.

I will not be posting anymore after this. I will read over what is posted within this thread, however any snide comments will never be replied to, nor will any praises.

This is it, the final post, just short of 1500 here on the forums.

Thank you all for the times, it was grand while it lasted... Good luck guys and gals.


EDIT - I missed one person in friends.

EtKEnn - Thanks for all the ports buddy! :D I always enjoyed talking to you, even though we never really got to know each other.

yoIyo - Thanks from bringing me here Aaron :) Your still a whore though <3


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 28, 2011
A dark day it is to lose a good friend. I know your life has been hectic with your Grandma, and I know the situation (though, not as the primary caregiver... that is a stressful job indeed). Everything works out though, and everything is resolved. Time is a funny, but great thing that we have.

Otherwise... my life philosophy is to give everyone I meet the respect they deserve. You basically hit the nail on the head.


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 7, 2011
Southern California
What am I supposed to do without "Creepy Uncle Stikk" around? Ah well, have you on Skype and see you in other games so I am not totally losing you, not to mention the text messages! =]

You know I am always around if you need someone.


Dungeon Master Extremist
Staff member
Wiki Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Jan 21, 2011
You will be missed, but pop in and say hi in TS every so often k? :p


Legacy Supporter 3
Dec 29, 2011
Bye rumbel steak. I know you will still talk to me, we all know you can't even go a few days without talking to me. + I know where to find you, you non-sneaky panda.


Legacy Supporter 3
Feb 7, 2012
rumble T_T call me on skype whenever you need! been friends for over a year lemme know whatever you need <3


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 24, 2012
Haines Shitty
MsGigi - Yep I still hate you. You taught me there will always be power hungry people in this world, and that no one is exempt from that, and I will always double or triple check who I am putting into power, promoting, or assigning work to. i thank you for the lessons you gave given me while I was active, and I wish you the best of luck in anything you choose to do.

I find it amusing that you're still butthurt about being rejected and then called out on your lies. You put yourself in the position you did and I had the balls to say something. I'm sorry if that makes me more hated, but don't try to twist the seams into something different. Besides, don't you think it's time to get over it? I mean, it's just pixels and text messages (which are, again, pixels).

Anyways... Have fun in the real world. Keep safe and try to keep that temper of yours in check, yes?


Queen Bee
Jan 12, 2011
Aww Rumble... Thank you for the kind words. I hope life treats you well, too... but I know you won't be too far away if I need a laugh :) Come back soon!


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 14, 2011
Yup I will keep hard at work doing nothing Rumble. Wish you the best in whatever you're going to do, but as I always say to everyone that leaves. This isn't goodbye, I'm sure you'll pop in to say hi!