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Time to say goodbye!


Legacy Supporter 4
Nov 12, 2011
Well, HeroCraft, where to even begin on saying my goodbyes. Unfortunately it's time for me to leave, as I've been recently running out of time for gaming in general due to in-real life circumstances of creating my own website, having to find a job, studying, and considering it's the summer holidays here in the UK, I'm never near my computer long enough to stay active! (I couldn't even do one of my magical photoshop posts for this!)

I'll begin with the thankyou's!
For months now HeroCraft has been my hobby, job, chore, and most favourite game I've ever encountered, because let's face it, HeroCraft offers an experience like no other!
I've been a Mayor of a magnificently built town, Stalwart, built with the two of my most favourite game-buddies I'll ever get to know, @Upb34t and @Troppics ! Thankyou to you two for making my experience here on the server even better than I could ever imagine it to be!
Thankyou to @SonOfAGunner and @Theazian for giving me endless fun in the various chats that we jumped between, you two will get married in HeroCraft one day, and I'll be there to stop the wedding.

Thankyou to @Barnubus and @Angyles for being the best (and only) Guide and Proctor Seniors in all of HeroCraft, and for the endless bullying in-game and in IRC, I'll definitely miss that ;)
And lastly a huge thanks to @Kainzo and the whole staff team for giving hundreds of Minecraft-ers the ability to endeavor in a whole new experience and for the time and wealth of effort that you put in to HeroCraft, and more importantly for believing in me to hold a plethora of staff positions and making my Forum avatar look absolutely magnificent with all of my badges, but also for giving me the ability to put back something from myself into HeroCraft, whether it be the Proctoring duties, Guiding, Designing or Building.

There definitely isn't even enough space to cover all of the thankyou's here, I'd definitely run out of the character limit for this post, let alone the tagging limit.
But, you'll know if you're meant to be featured here, because you've made my experience here at HeroCraft the best there could be.

It's time for me to go grab my guitar, a beer, and sit around a campfire with friends and try to enjoy some of the UK weather before it starts raining again. I'll be thinking of you all!

My friends, lovers (@HeX7), enemies, thankyou for making my time here so, so special.

I hope that this isn't a goodbye, more of a 'see you around'!

- Galaxial

(A wild Galaxial disappears!)


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 7, 2011
Southern California
Well it is most def a "see you around", as I will expect Skype messages!

I will miss bullying you Gala, you were always good for a laugh. Now give me my damn pizza!


Jul 11, 2011
NOOOO! Ahh, Galaxial! I'll miss our fun chit-chats. Like Kainzo said, RL > Games (SOMETIMES.)
If you ever hop on the forums/herocraft, feel free to hit me up! This shall not be the last we hear of each other, Galaxial!


Legacy Supporter 4
Nov 12, 2011
@Barnubus I'll definitely have to pop in to say Hi every now and again, don't worry, you and @Angyles will still have me to pick on!
@Angyles Of course! I'll give you a huge throbbing pain every single time you're on skype, and I'll let you watch me eat pizza, too!
@Kainzo Thank you! For sure, I'll check the forums every now and again, and if there's a design project, I'll be right back here ready to work!
@Guardian787 I've got a feeling me and you are going to become the best of friends, then! ;) Learning all there is to know about PHP, JS, CSS is going to drive me insane!
@SonOfAGunner Of course I'll drop you a message every time I'm on and make sure you do too! We can sing to LIGHTS together any time, I'm just an Inbox away ;) Plus, you still haven't heard my accent in TS3, right? :p
@lhatchy1 @Leo2596 Love u guyz <3


Sir GrowlMeow
Legacy Supporter 2
Jan 13, 2011
What's real life? Never heard of it.

Sad to see you go. You can always still chill on the forums.


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 28, 2011
Later man. We've had good and bad times, but in the end you're a good guy and I'll always respect that.


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 28, 2011
Later man. We've had good and bad times, but in the end you're a good guy and I'll always respect that.


Queen Bee
Jan 12, 2011
Sad to see you go, Galaxial. But I hope you won't stay gone forever. I (we) appreciate all of the hard graphical work you've put in to making everything look super snazzy for us! Hope everything settles down for you soon! :)