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Taking Suggestions for Quests!


Admin ZeeZo
Retired Staff
Apr 7, 2011
I need names, what their interested in, who they are, what they are, and how much of what they want and what it is they want.


"Hooded Figure
A warrior from the past sitting at a bar in Haven. Just outside Galifrey. You right click on him, as he's speaking to the barkeep asking for another round. He lays his purse out but realizes he doesn't have enough coin. He turns to you sullied-eyed and asks you if you'd give him some money to buy a round. "

You don't have to be this detailed, I more or less just need a general description of characters that we can add/develop to be put into Herocraft. I may or may not use any or all suggestions. Thanks for replying.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 17, 2013
Ok.... lemme try :D

Old fishermen Joe:

You saw a beared old man north of Haven, he smile at you kindly as you pass by, you right click on him, he starts talking to you.
He told you about a secret cave underwater and the treasure inside, he said he would pay if you would see if it's a myth.

eh idk staff make a cave under Haven? xD


Admin ZeeZo
Retired Staff
Apr 7, 2011
Ok.... lemme try :D

Old fishermen Joe:

You saw a beared old man north of Haven, he smile at you kindly as you pass by, you right click on him, he starts talking to you.
He told you about a secret cave underwater and the treasure inside, he said he would pay if you would see if it's a myth.

eh idk staff make a cave under Haven? xD

I'm sure we can come up with something, and this is a great start! (whether or not if gets put in or not!) :p

Can we see more suggestions anyone? =]


Sep 10, 2013
Lost in space.
Old Bandit Knox:
A bandit lurking around Haven in forests( or some other place). You right click him and he asks to duel you. You win, he tells you where a secret dungeon is and gives you 50 money, but if you loose... You pay him 70.


Admin ZeeZo
Retired Staff
Apr 7, 2011
Old Bandit Knox:
A bandit lurking around Haven in forests( or some other place). You right click him and he asks to duel you. You win, he tells you where a secret dungeon is and gives you 50 money, but if you loose... You pay him 70.

More suited to adventure map. The reward would probably only be Experience and a few souls (the first time you do the quest. it wouldn't be repeatable)

What I'm more interested in is actually using content to create a quest line where you have an alternate route to level up with rather than pure grinding (farming, logging, mining) or mob hunting. Although, I intend to incorporate aspects of that into quests we might bring in.


Ashen One...
Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 3, 2011
Village Elder:
(He would be in some kind of important looking building)
"You walk into (Insert building name) and see the elder standing there. You click him and he sees that you are an adventurer. He then asks if you are in need of some money (No exp reward, just read on). If you accept he will ask that you go out and kill X number of Y mobs in place Z"
Ex: "Please go stop the 15 Angry Zombies attacking out Guard post. Go East 500m (Blocks) to find it."

The mobs in these areas would be stronger than regular mobs (Similar to bosses but no where as powerful). Ex: Quest zombie has 15% more hp, 3% damage resistance, maybe armor, and maybe more damage. They would also give *slightly* more Exp than regular mobs. This quest can be once or multiple times, but with a large gap between when you can do it. If it is only done once than the Exp boost would be greater (Again, nothing too major, just a little) compared to multiple times.

*Note: Thought of that in about 3min so forgive me if it is utter garbage


Admin ZeeZo
Retired Staff
Apr 7, 2011
The Quest List!

Lore Quests
Hooded Figure | Lore/historical reference
Fallen Angel | Lore/historical reference

Repeatable Quests / One Shot Quests
Old Fisherman | Fishing Quest Chain
Bandit Knox | Duel Challenge
Village Elder - Zombies! | Hunt 15 Zombies
Village Elder - Skeletons! | Hunt 15 Skeletons
Village Elder - Spiders! | Hunt 15 Spiders
Daily Butcher Quest! | Hunt 15 Cows, Chickens, or Pigs.


Ashen One...
Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 3, 2011
Repeatable Quests / One Shot Quests
Village Elder - Zombies! | Hunt 15 Zombies
Village Elder - Skeletons! | Hunt 15 Skeletons
Village Elder - Spiders! | Hunt 15 Spiders
Nice to know my idea wasnt total shit


Dec 19, 2012
My idea is essentially a line of three quests where you can choose to help a necromancer or a guard captain. I will write more in a little while.

quest 1: necromancer in need
you meet a necromancer who wants to summon more than just zombies and skeletons. He asks you to find him 4 small soul shards so he can summon the soul of a hero. After finding the shards and giving them to him, he gives you 20s and thanks you. On the way out you notice a bloody guard's sword and wonder if you should alert the guard captain. After you find the guard captain you show him the sword and he asks " where did you find this?" you can relpy with, "a necromancer had it, should we be worried?" or " oh, I found it on an old battlefield (lie to protect the necromancer)" what you say here determines what you do for the other 2 quests. after this conversation, the quest is over and you get 150xp

thoughts on it? like i said, there are going to be 2 more quests dertermined by what side you join, and i will write those later if this is good so far.
Last edited:


Glowing Redstone
Mar 31, 2011
Simple Quest: A message to be delivered.

After you walk into the encampment you decide to meet the General, he appears to be in his tent planning his defenses.
The general: "Ah, you must be that new hero I've heard of. And you're looking for a job? Well I've got something for you, can you deliver this message to the King back in New Camelot? He'll pay you quite handsomely."
Then you can either accept or decline the quest.
If you accept it, the General gives you a paper which says something like "Sealed Message for the King" and once you deliver it you will get some souls and some exp.

Obviously all the names can be different, I'm just making an example of a quest story.
But what do you want us to come up with actually? Names of People/Places or just small story lines of possible quests?
Jan 19, 2013
somewhere in Austria
The Thing in the Woods

Given by: A wounded Paladin near the western border

"In the last lunar cycles, ... merchants have disappeared as they were wandering through the western woods. Hence me and my comerades were send to find ... and eliminated the culprit, but sadly they have been slaughtered by this ... demon.
I could not even scratch it ...the only thing I could do was ... running ..." -dies

Since nobody dares to set foot in the cursed woods , you decide to put your life on the line to face the unknown and slay the eerie demonlike creature that lurks behind the snowclad trees. (Mission: Kill the "Thing")

(Btw. The "Thing" would most likely be some overpowered zombie or Enderman)


Legacy Supporter 3
May 23, 2013
I feel like I'm a little late. But I have an idea that I think, is cool (Don't we all eh?)

In your absence

There will be somewhere a regioned small woods, with a tavern in the center. Walking into the tavern there will be several men standing at the bar talking about something. You walk over and talk to them. Dialogue is as such,
"Walking into a bar, you overhear some men talking you here the word treasure thrown around an awful lot. Now intrigued, you walk over to the men at the bar and ask them what they're talking about. When the men hear your voice, they all look back with faces of shock and annoyance, however one sighs, looks at the other men and pronounces,
"We'll boys, seems someone's overheard us... No choice now but to tell him about the plan. After all, we may need backup." After a short silence all seem to nod in agreement,
"Ok. We are treasure hunters, on a trail of a barrow hidden somewhere in these woods, named Rottenroot Barrow After following several leads, we finally got the rough location of the tomb. However, we knew we were gonna need more manpower. That's where you come in! We were gonna split the loot between the 7 of us, and don't mind giving some to you if you can help out. Sound like a plan? ..... Great! Ok. We will meet at (insert Coords here) at dusk tomorrow. Don't be late, or we may just shove off without ya!"
After accepting the quest and going at dusk, you arrive at the barrow and dialogue pops up,
"You see several bloody pieces of armor and weapons lying on the ground. It's after dusk, so where are they? Could it be they were...? I must go in after them." So then you go inside, and you see lots of skeletons, spider jockeys and zombies, each with a member of your entry party, zombified, as a sub boss leading the mobs' assault you fight your way through 6 of these, each being in a separate chamber. Entering the last chamber you see the leader of the party sitting atop a gold throne, above a mass pile of riches (gold iron diamond blocks?) sitting on a gold throne. Dialogue appears, something about you have no power in this place, begone. You fight several groups of mobs, until the leader jumps off his throne, roots you, and runs toward you,nauseating you, until you "pass out" and wake up in a tomb. There will be a button that you press to exit. Upon exiting, you find yourself in a graveyard at the edge of the forest. Quest complete, reward optional. This will be a chain of quests, going on until you defeat the barrow king (the party leader) if you can make it so there is a little warning to bring a small party after you accept the quest, that would be nice, seeing as how many mobs you will have to fight.


Legacy Supporter 3
May 23, 2013
I know it sounds really hard to code, but these are the kinds of quests that make an rpg a REAL rpg! If there is a way to code this, I would heavily encourage there to be this quest and more like it out there, thanks for your time.


Legacy Supporter 9
Nov 27, 2013
There should be a quest where you have to bring a guy some saplings & plant them for him, and then in the second stage of the quest you have to cut down a tree using a fish.


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 6, 2012
I used to run an event quest on my own server called: The fallen star.

I would build a large meteorite out of obsidian and plant it in the ground some place with a massive crash site. Picture impact crater or landing trail with lots of fire. The meteorite would be about 50 blocks in diameter and be filled with diamond blocks / emeralds / iron. I built this thing in secret and then broadcast it's landing and watched the slaughter once people arrived on site.

Was a king of the hill kind of deal.

There could be regions set up or borders people couldn't cross (force field?) But call it radiation, so that people would amass around it in a big battle for the innards. Set an amount of time that the radiation will take to dissipate and then drop the borders for people to get at the diamonds/emeralds/iron.


Legacy Supporter 4
Aug 5, 2011
I used to run an event quest on my own server called: The fallen star.

I would build a large meteorite out of obsidian and plant it in the ground some place with a massive crash site. Picture impact crater or landing trail with lots of fire. The meteorite would be about 50 blocks in diameter and be filled with diamond blocks / emeralds / iron. I built this thing in secret and then broadcast it's landing and watched the slaughter once people arrived on site.

Was a king of the hill kind of deal.

There could be regions set up or borders people couldn't cross (force field?) But call it radiation, so that people would amass around it in a big battle for the innards. Set an amount of time that the radiation will take to dissipate and then drop the borders for people to get at the diamonds/emeralds/iron.
Sounds more like an event but i like it!


Legacy Supporter 3
May 23, 2013
Quest thingy idea:

The altar

There will be yet another region place. It would be once more, in a woods, light woods, not terribly dense, and there would be a village maybe 100 blocks out. Walking through the village, you hear people in mourning, and whispers and rumors among the house wives about a curse. Intrigued by the rumors, you consult the village elder, who says,

"Aye.. It's no rumor.. Rumors are obscure.. False.. But this, this is certainly true. Our village is dying of sickness, plague, and death. And not only that, sometimes, when it's a cloudless night, 1 or 2 of the plagued walk out of their houses, entranced by the moon. They walk through the gate, and straight towards the old forest. No matter what we do to stop them, they don't hesitate in their march to that ancient woods... They go inside, and are never seen again. And further more, the dead are getting bolder. They attack more frequently, and sometimes, even during the day. Their numbers enlarge as ours shrink. On behalf of the village, I beg you to inside that haunted wood, and rid the curse upon this village."

Upon acceptance, you are told that they march to what seems the heart of the forest. There is a small clearing there, and the few that come back sane after entering say that even though there is not a single tree in the large clearing, yet the sun dares not to shine there. The air is heavy, laden with fog that flows across the ground, and burdened with curses. In the middle of the clearing, according to the accounts they have, there is a large, ancient well that sits atop a small hill.

With these hints and tips, you go into the woods, and find the rumors true, there is a well atop a hill. Jumping down into it, you land in a small underground lake, that leads to a long tunnel. Blood is streaked across the ground, and dreary red torches are hung on the walls as you go further into the cavern. After fighting through many waves of enemies, you find yourself in a large room with a high platform in the very center all around the altar, you see hooded figures and zombies and skeletons seeming performing a ritual. Disturbing their ritual, all half the enemies rush you. On defeating the enemies, the second half charges leaving one necromancer at the top of the altar. Defeating the second wave, he walks down the stairs and engages you. Recommended spells for boss: root, web skill from necro, nauseation whenever within 5 blocks of him, bolt, fireball, the ice spell thingy that's just like fireball that wizards gets at a low level. Gold hoe. Infinite mana/stamina. Black leather chestplate, 20000 health? (Health amount to be discussed, 20000 is merely a place marker) after you defeat him, he drops 1 staff of the overseer (maybe 10 different combination for stats?) 1 chestplate of darkness (recommended enchants: high level thorns, unbreaking, projectile protection/protection) upon his defeat, dialogue pops up,

"Finally killed the necromancer, now time to deal with the altar."

altar shape up for discussion, some levitating block above the altar with (insert particle effect here) around it. You can destroy that block when you accept the quest, otherwise it is regioned. 20 minutes after destruction, the block respawns.

You go to the village elder, turn in the quest, reward optional, quest completed.

Once more, if there could be a warning about getting a small party together first before acceptance in order to complete the quest that would be nice, seeing as how tough the boss is.


Legacy Supporter 3
May 23, 2013
I feel like the only one bringing up legitimate ideas that are actually applicable. C'mon guys, I made this one in 20 minutes on the spot. If you have a really good idea, don't be a douche and keep it to yourself! Freaking tell us about it so it can get implemented!