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Role-play practice [Forum RP]


Ancient Soul
Legacy Supporter 7
Remastered Tier 2 Supporter
Jan 17, 2011
With the surge in RP interest, I'm starting this thread for people to practice, ask questions and learn. I suggest you read the following threads before you get started to make life easier:

Many people have been asking me what roleply is and how it works? In a nutshell, it is assuming the role of your character and actin/playing/writing as if you are in their shoes acting as them. In a herocraft sense, this means you play your character in the first person, following a personality and skill set you designate. For example, instead of writing "I got that info from the wiki for my guy", you would say "Ugh! I searched the damn library for hours! Took 5 rooms worth of books before I found what I needed."

Anyay, to prevent a wall of text let's get started! Try to avoid powerplay, metagaming, and speaking out of character. If you must, put in in brackets ((like this)), and try to reserve it just for asking me questions.

((This thread will not be considered canon or applicable in game, it is just to practice roleplaying within the Herocraft Multiverse))


Ancient Soul
Legacy Supporter 7
Remastered Tier 2 Supporter
Jan 17, 2011
The Noteblock Inn, its heavily-gabled roof shading a large portion of the street below, is a popular stopping point for souls traveling in and out of the city. A three-story building of brick and wood, it has stood for as long as any of the locals can remember, run over the years by the Samposi's. The innkeeper (everyone just called him Pop) liked his reputation as an honest man with a clean buisness, and would remind you with the slab of wood he kept behind the counter if you tried to make it anything but.

Sitting at one of the tables closer to the crackling hearth, a man sat scribbling into a book, several others open around him. His light-purple robe and the dark-purple and gold hooded cloak he wore identified him as a Loremaster, one of the few of Kainzo's personal archivists. The hood folded down over his back revealed a face deep in concentration as he compared one tome to the other before scratching down a few more words.

It looked to be a busy day for the Noteblock, as travelers and locals both were already streaming in and out of the front door.


Legacy Supporter 2
May 30, 2011
Sitting nearby the Loremaster was a guide, identified by the long purple robes and the golden​
embroidery. Guides are the most knowledgeable souls of the Multiverse and have the Aura of Information which draws newly born souls to a beacon of understanding.

This Guide was troubled by something and was holding a journal encrusted with dried blood and​
reading the illegible pages. He was only on the third page of the 10 page journal and already he became jittery and nervous. Before even finishing the page of the journal he got up from his seat and charged through the crowd out the door, something very odd for a Guide to do.


Legacy Supporter 2
Aug 13, 2011
Breaking the door open, the Guide sprinted down the pebbled road, not caring for the people he involuntarily pushed aside. He was desperate to get to his destination - the church.

This was no ordinary church you see - this was the Five Steeple Church, big enough to be called a Cathedral really. But, why was the Guide hurrying so fast? Whilst reading the journal he inferred that it should have been a monk's writing, as it was so neat.

The Guide had about 5 miles between him and the crypt of the Five Steeple, purple robes billowing all the way.


Legacy Supporter 2
May 14, 2011
((You can't control other people's characters right? (Metagaming?) So I think the way to do this is to work out something, maybe have your character go in and buy a drink/talk to the book guy/stop the guide))


Legacy Supporter 2
Aug 13, 2011
((Time to use my own char now, lol))

Rothicus nearly fell asleep listening to the old man's life story. Clergy tax collectors were not very interesting to him. A shout from across the bar caught his attention. When Rothicus looked toward the man, the assailant threw a knife at him. Rothicus caught it in the shoulder with a grunt of pain, and blood started leaking out. Rothicus cautiously removed the dagger from his shoulder, causing some more bleeding but not too much, tore it out and threw it to the ground. He slowly drew his saber, and put the saber to the other man's throat.

"What was your motive for that now?" said Rothicus.

"I-I was ordered by the Order..." the other man stumbled.

"Who are they?"

"N-none of your b-business..."

Rothicus delivered a sucker punch with his free hand that connected with the assailants face, and limped out of the Noteblock Inn, intent on traveling to the nearest town and asking around about the "Order", and to dress his wound. This next town happened to be called Staffurd...


Ancient Soul
Legacy Supporter 7
Remastered Tier 2 Supporter
Jan 17, 2011
((He could, if deals with it correctly. Zaspar, your character would have some kind of reaction to a knife in the shoulder. What would it be? Would he yelp in pain and then pull it out? Does he have some kind of nerve damage that dulls the pain? Did the knife hit his collarbone and not sink in very deep? Something like that.))


Legacy Supporter 6
Mar 21, 2011
((Are we suppose to RP in the inn to make it more story like?))

Shortly after the crazed guide rushed from the inn, a new patron arrived. He wore a black cloak with a green border that shrouded almost all of his features and his twinblades rested easily at his sides. He walked up to the bar and addressed the barkeep, "Get me a Elven Bloodmist Pop." After pouring a glass of the expensive wine and passing it to the man, Pop asked, "So whats the news from the adventures of your fleet captain Ruethian?" The shrouded man smilled barely visable beneath his hood. He reached up and slid back his hood revealing his blood red skin and horns sprouting from his forehead. (( tiefling )) "We just finished docking at the airship port, the God Breaker is still out seeing as your docks are too small for it. We traveled far to the west to quell an uprising, it was crushed."


Jun 15, 2011
he woke up lying next to a tree. he didn't know where he was nor who he was. he was far form anything that showed a sign of civilization. he tried to get up, but one arm was wedged under a rock. and next to the rock were two dead bodies of familiar people. when he was observing the armored men, he heard a growl. he looked up to see a wolf. the wolf was snarling, growling and showing his teeth wile slowly moving forward. he looked around frantically for something he could defend himslef with. he saw the handle of a sword by one of the armored, dead men. when he pulled the sword out with his good arm he was devistated to see the sword was broken.
hopeless death. all things that went through his mind. the wold had charged. he had only seconds to think. he saw a bone of a dead animal and picked it up. the wolf was 10 feet away. he picked up the bone. but it slipped from his hand in the forward motion. he closed his eyes and cowered. after 10 seconds, he opened one eye and to his surprise the wolf was sitting there chewing the bone. when the wolf noticed the man, he wagged his tail. "now that, was close. now to find out who and where i am.


Legacy Supporter 2
May 30, 2011
((When rping make sure to use better grammer, capitilzation, paragraphs, spelling etc... No walls of text, it's hard for the other rpers to read))


Jun 15, 2011
when he freed his arm, he decided to search the soldiers. he found some food, a sword that was n't broken, boots, light armor and some torches. he then noticed a body of someone who looked like a prisoner. when he turned the prisoner on his back he saw it. this was the face of his best friend. he remembered. they were being brought to the town of Irthon to be put in a dungeon when they were attacked by a warring city. he remembered Irthon was at war with Xoren, thus they must have been ambushed. but who am I? I surely wasn't involved in this war. but his thoughts were stopped when he saw 10 armored men walking down a hill. they were troops from xoren looking for survivors. he had to leave. he was on a cliff with a 30 food drop. the men were coming from the other direction. the men saw him and started to run. there was a lake below. he backed up and sprinted off the side of the cliff.


Legacy Supporter 2
May 14, 2011
((I'm testing out a new character for the next map, Aubury Rumsworth, name kind of based on an old WoW character I had, here goes,))

He watched the various people go in and out of the Notebook inn. He saw the Loremaster go in with his various utensils and materials. He almost stopped the guide in his place when he saw him running. The sounds from inside of the inn tempted him, and after a while he decided to go inside. He looked around and saw the Loremaster writing, an interesting looking man ordering a drink, and some blood from a wound on a table.

"Say, you going to stand there or order a drink?" said a friendly voice from the counter.

"Yeah, I'll take just take a water." The man says. He pulled out a gold coin or two to pay the man with, but several others fell onto the ground. He seemed not to care. Looking for an empty table to drink his ice-cold water at, he looked at the most empty table he could find, the one in which the loremaster was writing. He pulled up a chair and sat down.

((Not that great at rp'ing on the forums, mostly just in game. Also, this seems like an interesting place, maybe I can recreate that in Aurum @Alator))


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 17, 2011
In your mothers pants
((Me playing on an RP server.. I wrote up this to become a villain over there))

"ARGH!" Screamed Aros as he was hit by an arrow in the backside from a lucky archer, being chased by the oren guard down the kings great road after stealing a satchel full of valuables from Quazar's shop. Being chased down by 3 guards is bad enough, not to mention the bloodthirsty orcs Aros saw up ahead fearing the orcs would "Klomp" him without warning as he neared Wrath's store of wonderful atrocities Aros dove into the water into his secret hidey hole, underneath the shop, losing all the guards except one, who was foolish enough to persue Aros into the dark tunnel. Hearing the guards footstepts Aros turned around and landed a powerful punch into the mans face... lucky for the guard who was wearing armor this had no effect, except for Aros whose hand was broken in many places... Aros ran further yet down the tunnel and then flipped the switch - then all hell broke loose, some tnt exploded in the roof of the tunnel, causing a cave-in killing the guard almost instantly......

Aros was not always like this....​

Born into the great Sunstrider family in Ravenhold.... or shall I say one of the only families living there Aros found at an early age that why would you work for something... when you can simply take it from others... and let them do the hard work. Always trying to convince his younger sister to come with him to steal things on his ventures. At the young age of 15 he planned out a grand heist, Him and his sister would sneak into the great tree, to find great valuables within. On their way to the elf capital his sister, Kal'Thyn constantly questioned him about whether they should go through with the plan or not. Once arriving at Laurelin the duo worked very quickly to extract some of the outer logs from the tree and sneak in. Once inside Kal'Thyn seemed to get very quiet and be almost non-exsistent. Aros payed no attention to it and located the rare gems hidden in the wall. While trying to pry the door a guard passed by, hearing the noise went down the hallway and questioned them as to what they were doing. Scared out of her mind Kal'Thyn admitted to attempting to break in and steal the gems.....

"Great going Thyn, you landed us in the elf prison now!" Kal'Thyn was silent the entire while Aros yelled at her for her stupidity. After waiting a while Aros tried an attempt at escape of his cell, with his hidden pocket knife he hid ariel knows where. Then after prying the bars open he started to leave.... Then turned around and looked back at his sister, and attempted to convince her to come with him, but she declined a big argument broke out, it was the decided that Aros would leave without her. On his way out he turned around for a last look at his sister and when he did that his sister lunged at him, grabbed his knife, and twisted it backwords into his chest.... Deeper.. and deeper the blade plunged into Aros' chest. Aros screaming in writhing agony from the pain of the deep wound, and quickly a guard showed up putting a sword through his sisters back. The blood.... oh the blood it went everywhere.... Aros seemed to fall to the ground in a puddle of a mixture of his own blood and his sister.... The last words he uttered before he feinted were.... Damn you "Kal'Thyn"....

Awaking with incredible, gut renching pain is terrible, but awaking with such pain in a prison..beneath laurelin is even worse. Howling in pain Aros awoke the nearby nurse and guard tending to him. The nurse tried to comfort him... but the pain was to much for him. Screaming without pause for hours... only interupting for a few peaceful moments at a time. "Our medical care isn't good enough here" said the nurse. "We must ship him to sister city, for they have better healers then us". "Agreed" said the guard in a deep voice. In the long... bumpy ride to sister city, Aros was able to clear his mind a little and think back on the events previous. He asked how long was he asleep? The nurse replied:"You were out for near 5 days before you awoke... so rudely. All Aros could remember is the knife.... nothing else... and escape. He must escape from prison... he would have to wait until he was healed, and stronger to leave. However long I must wait I will escape he silently vowed to himself in his mind.

In sister city, he was the only prisoner, boring, long hours everyday for years.. and years. 7 years later a eardrum breaking explosion emmitted, and the top of his prison was blown into bits, and set ablaze. Looking out his cell to see the guard slumped over his chair, asleep gave Aros the idea that now was his time to escape. He reached through the bars and grabbed the key from the passed out guard. Letting himself out and running forward a few steps, before realizing the pain in his chest was unbearable and he hadn't moved so fast in so long he slowly half walked, half limped to the doorway. when he walked out the doorway a strange, hard figure landed on him and tackled him back into the jail. His vision blurring it was near impossible to focus on the large figure in front of him. When his eyes finally adjusted Aros gasped... a 7 foot robed figure was standing over him. "Who...who are you" Aros inquired. The figure answered "Your worst nightmare" the figure coldly replied. Aros not being afraid of the figure stood up and dove towards the doorway. Quickly... too quickly the robed figure grabbed him and shoved a dull knife through Aros' leg, going all the way through his leg, rendering his leg useless. "That should keep you still" said the robed man. " Aros slumped back down against what was left of the prison wall. Aros looked at the figure to see the robed figure walking with a prevalent limp in his right leg. Aros asked him what happened. The figure replied "It seems bones don't work to well after falling off a tree." Aros tried to pull the dull knife out of his leg, but couldn't seem to get it out. Yelping in pain the figure turned around and his hood fell off, revealing a most gruesome sight. For what Aros saw was a rotted out skull with no skin, save for a few bits of flesh around the cheeks. Gasping Aros said: "Your....your undead". "Why yes I am replied the figure, I go by Zurakk to those close to me, fear not you'll be gone soon." What appeared to be a smile crossed over Zurakk's face. Hearing the sounds of footsteps Aros listened intently. then through the door 4 great warriors in a complete set of diamond armor ran in and told the undead to die for his crimes, and killed him on the spot. The men hastily ran over to Aros who was still laying on the ground, impaled with the dull knife. Why are you here they asked. Aros replied "I was captured by the undead!". Quickly freeing him the warriors payed no attention as he ran off in the distance.

Years later, Aros now aged 34 founded a group of bandits to provide for him. Seeing as how Aros couldn't move as fast as he once could, he rarely went on missions with his posee, unless something was demanded of him. The bandits knew to well to respect him, for is Aros was in a bad mood, people started dying. Then one day the bandits returned to camp to find a note where Aros ussually was saying "I'll be back soon, finishing some - personal business."

Through the familiar forests of Malinor ran Aros, as quickly as he could with his chest pains and his leg wound. Finding his old home in Ravenhold he went inside to see his mother and father. They screamed when they saw him, for he was well feared throughout aegis and his own parents had no idea where he was. "Your a monster" His mother and father yelled. A wide grin crept over Aros face. See being captive had led Aros to believe the reason his sister betrayed him was all his parents fault, he had vowed to make them suffer as he once had. Finding now to be the best time, he had packed a bag full of "fun" instruments ranging from a scapel to a bone saw. He then pulled out 2 pairs of shackles and charged towards his parents, quickly shackling them both while deflecting a few blows from his father. One of the punches hit Aros' nose breaking it with a loud crunch. "You'll pay for that father!" he yelled. Aros quickly pulled out a patch of leather and string and tied the leahter in front of his mothers mouth, because she kept screaming throughout the ordeal. Believing his mother was the main cause of his sister's corruptness he forged a great plan in his mind. Quickly slaying his father with a dagger with a quick slice on the neck, Aros told his mother the only way to purify herself was to eat her husbands remains, as well as Aros' own finger. Aros shrieking in pain cut off his own finger and forced it down his mothers throat. While watching his mother devour the remains of his father, Aros pulled out his favorite passtime. Suger... oh how he loved sugar. jittering he knew he needed more of it, so Aros pulled out a bowl of it and dumped it all over the floor, reaching down and snorting the whole bowl in one quick swoop.

His mother finally finishing eating the eyes, gave up and stopped eating. "You better finish all of it...." His mother looked at him and uttered a scream, although muffled Aros sighed deeply and started with a finger, cut off his mothers finger and threw it on the ground. Writhing in pain his mother kept screaming. Aros after cutting off all the fingers of her hands started to cry and couldn't figure out what happened. Unable to deal with the pain anymore Aros grabbed his dagger and shoved it straight through his mothers face, killing her instantly. Aros then thought to himself, that if she was unworthy to live what made him worthy? On the whole way back to his camp, Aros thought of what to do.... Finally unable to bear with himself anymore, Aros grabbed his dagger and dragged it across his face, ripping out his left eye in a large gorey mess....

Running in pain back to his bandit camp, they inquired what went wrong!? Aros answered coldly: "Myself happened". Wondering what to do with his life Aros layed down on his bed and went to sleep.....


Legacy Supporter 2
May 14, 2011
To me, that backstory seems too complex, not that well written, and some of the things in it make little sense. But it's easy to be a critic and I actually enjoyed the read))