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Requiem of Heroes Discussion Thread [The Lore Project]


Legacy Supporter 6
Mar 4, 2011
Hi there. I'm Strongholdx, one of the official herocraft loremasters -

This is the discussion thread for my fan fiction: Requiem of Heroes
If you'd like to read it, the story can be found here!

Please give your thoughts, likes, and dislikes, as I welcome constructive criticism, and aim to be the best writer I can be. However, I must warn you that hurling insults at me will get you nowhere, if you don't like my story, please tell me WHY

Please keep discussion on topic, and don't stray to far from the lore aspect of the story
Otherwise, let the dicussion begin!

Please keep in mind that Requiem and all its contents are now protected by a Creative Commons license. Any attempt to illegally copy, distribute, or accredit information can and will be prosecuted.

If you do wish to copy or distribute my works please contact me directly


Legacy Supporter 6
Mar 4, 2011
Hey everyone.

Instead of making a bajillion polls like I had planned, I'd like you all to reply to some questions about RoH. I like general feedback from readers, and while I hear mostly good things, I want to hear your full thoughts.

If you would kindly fill out the following form, it would benifit my work greatly! I know its a lot, but it's imparitive that I have this info. Thanks guys!

Rate on a scale of 1-10
How do you like the story so far:
How suspensful is it:
How much action is there:
How excited are you for new chapters:
How much do you enjoy HC Lore:

Please fill out responses as you see fit
How timely am I on new chapters:

Do you think something needs to be added/removed from RoH? If so, what:

Do you enjoy the characters?

Do you like my writing style?

Is there anything you are unclear on so far in the story?

Would you like to be involved in the Lore Project?



Ancient Soul
Legacy Supporter 7
Remastered Tier 2 Supporter
Jan 17, 2011
Rate on a scale of 1-10
How do you like the story so far: 9
How suspensful(suspenseful:p) is it: 8
How much action is there: 9
How excited are you for new chapters: 10
How much do you enjoy HC Lore: Do I really have to answer this?

Please fill out responses as you see fit
How timely am I on new chapters: Taking school into account, decent. Ignoring school, slooooooow! :D

Do you think something needs to be added/removed from RoH? If so, what: Nothing that will probably be dealt with later in the story

Do you enjoy the characters? Yup. Nothing to complain about, other than Dagith's burning desire for monologue.

Do you like my writing style? I personally find the back-and-forth one line at a time conversation to be a bit jerking, but overall it flows well.

Is there anything you are unclear on so far in the story? Mother creepers? Red glowing orb?

Would you like to be involved in the Lore Project? :rolleyes:

Comments/other Keep it coming! Everything seems to fit in with the history I have, so it's not too wacky. Once you finish it, I'll put it in the wiki as official. :)


Legacy Supporter 6
Mar 4, 2011
Thanks! New chapter is here, sorry it took so long, school has caught up with me. I'll start on the next one ASAP


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
I saw the thread pop up as the most recently replied to, and clicked, duplicated the tab, went through my alerts until I got to Alator's on this thread (this part took 5-7 seconds) and posted. Haha, great luck with refreshing page. :D


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
Oh, and good chapter (Finished it when I replied to this thread). I'll edit this post with the answers to the questionnaire shortly.
EDIT: Look below, the Edit isn't hidden at all. Really, it's quite obvious.

Rate on a scale of 1-10
How do you like the story so far: 9
How suspensful is it: 8.5
How much action is there:9
How excited are you for new chapters:10
How much do you enjoy HC Lore: 0, for sure, hate it. (I kid, please don't kill me, 9)

Please fill out responses as you see fit
How timely am I on new chapters: All things considering, pretty good. And I don't think it's school's fault that it isn't as often, it's Skyrim's. Haha.

Do you think something needs to be added/removed from RoH? If so, what: Me, saving the day. Seriously though, not really that I can think of.

Do you enjoy the characters? Yeah, very much so.

Do you like my writing style? Indubitably, it is most thrilling.

Is there anything you are unclear on so far in the story? When you died, was that a flashback to the Uprising?

Would you like to be involved in the Lore Project? Kind of, but more of as some ideas given, on occasion.

Comments/other: Uh, hi. My name is Joseph Phillips, and I'm 18, and grew up in Alaska, and was born in Quebec. (Rest of false life story here)