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Lore Needed! Relics/Codex


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
@Admins | @Moderators @Loremasters | @Heralds

We need item descriptions for EACH class and profession. So far we have Necro / Paladin but I'd be happy to change things up if it fits better.

Here's how the relic system and codex system works. Items will drop of varying rarity, between COMMON to EPIC. Based on the rarity, will depend on how often it drops. The crafting recipe for these are below - NOTE, you cannot repeat the same item-type twice (ie no double PAPER items)

After you combine all 5 - you have the codex and can become the class by bypassing the 250s.



item: ENCHANTED_BOOK|§6Codex of Necromancy|§7§oRight-click to become|§7§oa Necromancer.|§e§oOnly those truly focused|§e§ocan master the dark arts.


item: PAPER|§7Relic of Necromancy 1|§fRelic 1 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Necromancy.|§e§oA shredded page from|§e§oA the Book of the Dead.


item: BONE|§aRelic of Necromancy 2|§fRelic 2 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Necromancy.|§e§oBone of the Fallen Ancient One.


item: GHAST_TEAR|§bRelic of Necromancy 3|§fRelic 3 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Necromancy.|§e§oA shattered Soul of the Lost.


item: EYE_OF_ENDER|§5Relic of Necromancy 4|§fRelic 4 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Necromancy.|§e§oThe Evil-Eye of Future Sight.


item: BOOK|§6Relic of Necromancy 5|§fRelic 5 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Necromancy.|§e§oA tome of unspeakable black magic.



item: ENCHANTED_BOOK|§6Codex of Berserking|§7§oRight-click to become|§7§oa Berserker:.|§e§o Can you control your rage, or will it consume you?|


item: IRON_FENCE |§7Relic of Berserking 1|§fRelic 1 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Berserking.|§e§oGreat Axe Fragment|§e§oof a fallen Berserker.


item: leather|§aRelic of Berserking 2|§fRelic 2 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Berserking.|§e§oBloodstained vambrace of a warrior.


item: SLIMEBALL|§bRelic of Berserking 3|§fRelic 3 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Berserking.|§e§oWarpaint used in ancient times.


item: BOOK|§5Relic of Berserking 4|§fRelic 4 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Berserking.|§e§oBook of Ancestral Warchants.


item: REDSTONE_DUST|§6Relic of Berserking 5|§fRelic 5 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Berserking.|§e§oThe living Embodiment of Rage.



item: ENCHANTED_BOOK|§6Codex of Dread|§7§oRight-click to become|§7§oa Dreadknight.|§e§o Fear is a weapon your enemies will soon know.|


item: BOOK|§7Relic of Dread 1|§fRelic 1 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Dread.|§e§oA cursed tattered book of |§e§odark hexes.


item: ICE|§aRelic of Dread 2|§fRelic 2 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Dread.|§e§oFrozen heart of a beast driven by hate.


item: STONEBUTTON|§bRelic of Dread 3|§fRelic 3 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Dread.|§e§oHeartstop pedant, cursed to stop hearts.


item: IRON_CHEST|§5Relic of Dread 4|§fRelic 4 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Dread.|§e§oBattered chestplate of the undead.


item: NETHERSTAR|§6Relic of Dread 5|§fRelic 5 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Dread.|§e§oThe wailing soul of a tortured knight.



item: ENCHANTED_BOOK|§6Codex of the Sky Knight|§7§oRight-click to become|§7§oa Dragoon.|§e§oAgile legs and a steady focus bring justice to all.


item: BOOK|§7Relic of the Sky Knight 1|§fRelic 1 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Dread.|§e§oA cursed tattered book of |§e§odark Sky Knight.


item: ICE|§aRelic of the Sky Knight  2|§fRelic 2 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Dread.|§e§oFrozen heart of a beast driven by hate.


item: STONEBUTTON|§bRelic of the Sky Knight  3|§fRelic 3 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Dread.|§e§oHeartstop pedant, cursed to stop hearts.


item: IRON_CHEST|§5Relic of the Sky Knight  4|§fRelic 4 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Dread.|§e§oBattered chestplate of the undead.


item: NETHERSTAR|§6Relic of the Sky Knight  5|§fRelic 5 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Dread.|§e§oThe wailing soul of a tortured knight.



What we need? the lore descriptions and possible item names. RelicNecro5 - consists of A tome of unspeakable black magic as the lore and a BOOK as the item. Player swill see the name as Relic Of Necromancy 5 to denote that its the 5th piece of the recipe.

Help us fill out the 20+ classes.
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Ancient Soul
Legacy Supporter 7
Remastered Tier 2 Supporter
Jan 17, 2011
I didn't have time to work on crafters, but here's a little something to start with.

The text following the name of the class is what the codex would read.


  1. iron fence - "Great Axe Fragment"
  2. leather - "bloodstained vambrace"
  3. slieball- "ancient warpaint"
  4. book - "Ancestral Warchants"
  5. redstone dust- "Embodiment of Rage"
  1. book - "book of curses"
  2. ice - "Frozen Heart"
  3. ironchest - "Battered Chestplate"
  4. stonebutton - "Heartstop Pendant"
  5. netherstar - "Wailing Soul"
  1. feather - "Lightleg Enchantment"
  2. water potion - "Quickdash Elixr"
  3. diamond - "Spearhead of Agony"
  4. paper - "Etheric Writ"
  5. blueorchid - "Flower of Fearless Flight"
  1. gunpowder - "Burning Ash"
  2. torch - "undying flame"
  3. netherwart - "Lava Conduit"
  4. book - "The Fires Within"
  5. magmacream - "Soul of a Blaze"
  1. Sand - "Swirling Dusts"
  2. Redstone Dust - "Netherdust"
  3. string - "tattered robe"
  4. egg- "Archmage Foci"
  5. book&quill - "Mystic Spellbook"
  1. bottle - "Bottle of Stolen Memories"
  2. pork - "Piggifying Artifact"
  3. emptymap - "Path Through the Mind"
  4. spidereye - "Sightmuddle Berry"
  5. endereye - "Thoughtweave Gem"
  1. stick - "Ancestral totem"
  2. bone - "Bones of a Great Beast"
  3. deadbush - "Dessicated Sagebush"
  4. book - "Ways of the Tribes"
  5. tripwirehook - "spirit conduit"
  1. feather - "Silentfoot Trinket"
  2. woodensword - "Practice Katana"
  3. gunpowder - "Visionblur Dust"
  4. paper - "Way of the Ninja"
  5. blackleathercap - "Mask of the Masterless"
  1. feather - "Sureflight Fletching"
  2. compass - "Compass of Knowing"
  3. string - "Enchanted Bowstring"
  4. bone - "Mark of the Pack"
  5. arrow - "Hero's Arrow"
  1. bonemeal - "Rune Chalk"
  2. paper - "Mysterious Etchings"
  3. book - "The Power and Dangers of Runecrafting"
  4. ironbar - "Conductive Blade Fragment"
  5. diamond - "Soul Projection Focus"
  1. paper - "Opus #4"
  2. lever - "Conductor's Fate"
  3. musicdisk - "Warsong"
  4. string - "Resonant Lute String"
  5. book - "Manuscript of the True Voice"
  1. tripwirehook - "Token of the Righteous"
  2. enderpearl - "invigorating stone"
  3. ironblock - "Ingraved Mace Head"
  4. book - "Mystical Healing Techniques"
  5. poppy - Symbol of Undeath
  1. brownmushroom - "Deep Cave Mushroom"
  2. book - "Botany and the Soul"
  3. vine - "undying vine"
  4. sapling - "Lifetree Sapling"
  5. emerald - "Coalesced Nature"
  1. rotten flesh - "Infused Flesh"
  2. lead - "bloodbond thread"
  3. flint - "Wither Bone Chip"
  4. redstonetorch - "Flickering Life"
  5. Book - "The Taboo Arts of Blood Magic"
  1. paper - "Meditation and Focus"
  2. coal - "Compressed Emotion"
  3. blazepowder - "Remnants of a Balanced Soul"
  4. leather - "Fistwrap of the True Path"
  5. writtenbook - "Mantras of Wind and Flesh"


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
I didn't have time to work on crafters, but here's a little something to start with.

The text following the name of the class is what the codex would read.
  1. iron fence - "Great Axe Fragment"
  2. leather - "bloodstained vambrace"
  3. slieball- "ancient warpaint"
  4. book - "Ancestral Warchants"
  5. redstone dust- "Embodiment of Rage"
  1. book - "book of curses"
  2. ice - "Frozen Heart"
  3. ironchest - "Battered Chestplate"
  4. stonebutton - "Heartstop Pendant"
  5. netherstar - "Wailing Soul"
  1. feather - "Lightleg Enchantment"
  2. water potion - "Quickdash Elixr"
  3. diamond - "Spearhead of Agony"
  4. paper - "Etheric Writ"
  5. blueorchid - "Flower of Fearless Flight"
  1. gunpowder - "Burning Ash"
  2. torch - "undying flame"
  3. netherwart - "Lava Conduit"
  4. book - "The Fires Within"
  5. magmacream - "Soul of a Blaze"
  1. Sand - "Swirling Dusts"
  2. Redstone Dust - "Netherdust"
  3. string - "tattered robe"
  4. egg- "Archmage Foci"
  5. book&quill - "Mystic Spellbook"
  1. bottle - "Bottle of Stolen Memories"
  2. pork - "Piggifying Artifact"
  3. emptymap - "Path Through the Mind"
  4. spidereye - "Sightmuddle Berry"
  5. endereye - "Thoughtweave Gem"
  1. stick - "Ancestral totem"
  2. bone - "Bones of a Great Beast"
  3. deadbush - "Dessicated Sagebush"
  4. book - "Ways of the Tribes"
  5. tripwirehook - "spirit conduit"
  1. feather - "Silentfoot Trinket"
  2. woodensword - "Practice Katana"
  3. gunpowder - "Visionblur Dust"
  4. paper - "Way of the Ninja"
  5. blackleathercap - "Mask of the Masterless"
  1. feather - "Sureflight Fletching"
  2. compass - "Compass of Knowing"
  3. string - "Enchanted Bowstring"
  4. bone - "Mark of the Pack"
  5. arrow - "Hero's Arrow"
  1. bonemeal - "Rune Chalk"
  2. paper - "Mysterious Etchings"
  3. book - "The Power and Dangers of Runecrafting"
  4. ironbar - "Conductive Blade Fragment"
  5. diamond - "Soul Projection Focus"
  1. paper - "Opus #4"
  2. lever - "Conductor's Fate"
  3. musicdisk - "Warsong"
  4. string - "Resonant Lute String"
  5. book - "Manuscript of the True Voice"
  1. tripwirehook - "Token of the Righteous"
  2. enderpearl - "invigorating stone"
  3. ironblock - "Ingraved Mace Head"
  4. book - "Mystical Healing Techniques"
  5. poppy - Symbol of Undeath
  1. brownmushroom - "Deep Cave Mushroom"
  2. book - "Botany and the Soul"
  3. vine - "undying vine"
  4. sapling - "Lifetree Sapling"
  5. emerald - "Coalesced Nature"
  1. rotten flesh - "Infused Flesh"
  2. lead - "bloodbond thread"
  3. flint - "Wither Bone Chip"
  4. redstonetorch - "Flickering Life"
  5. Book - "The Taboo Arts of Blood Magic"
  1. paper - "Meditation and Focus"
  2. coal - "Compressed Emotion"
  3. blazepowder - "Remnants of a Balanced Soul"
  4. leather - "Fistwrap of the True Path"
  5. writtenbook - "Mantras of Wind and Flesh"
Looks like we got a good feel for combat ... haa now professions!


A frightening Cactus!
Sep 7, 2013
Georgia, United States
Is that also considered the "lore" portion of what you needed? If not...

Codex of the Necromancer - This dark and vile tome recounts the dark path of <HC's first Master Necromancer> as he descended into darkness. Once defeated heroes of the Zo located his original journal and destroyed it so that never again would it fall into the hands of another. Thus has the original codex been lost to the multiverse, however it is whispered in dark and mysterious corners that his dark followers have scattered copies of the various chapters throughout the land. Parts of the codex may even be found in the hands of the undead that have been known to serve the dark arts in times past. Once assembled and rebound in the flesh of fallen adversaries the fragments of the codex will allow another to travel down the mysterious path of the Necromancer.


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 22, 2011
Beaverton, OR
  • Smith - Through blood and fire does true protection come
    • Anvil : "Journeyman's Beginning"
      • Iron Ingot - Untapped potential
      • Fire - The heart of the forge
      • Leather - Apron of the Smith
      • Charcoal - The fuel of creation
      • Diamond - Secret in the stone


Ancient Soul
Legacy Supporter 7
Remastered Tier 2 Supporter
Jan 17, 2011
Is that also considered the "lore" portion of what you needed? If not...

Codex of the Necromancer - This dark and vile tome recounts the dark path of <HC's first Master Necromancer> as he descended into darkness. Once defeated heroes of the Zo located his original journal and destroyed it so that never again would it fall into the hands of another. Thus has the original codex been lost to the multiverse, however it is whispered in dark and mysterious corners that his dark followers have scattered copies of the various chapters throughout the land. Parts of the codex may even be found in the hands of the undead that have been known to serve the dark arts in times past. Once assembled and rebound in the flesh of fallen adversaries the fragments of the codex will allow another to travel down the mysterious path of the Necromancer.

In this case, when he says "lore", he's talking about the text that appears in the body of the tooltip when you mouse over the item. Lore is what Minecraft refers to it as.


Legacy Supporter 9
Feb 28, 2012
Is this slated for use in the adventure map only, or will it be implemented on Haven/next map?


Legacy Supporter 6
Aug 17, 2012
Alchemist - Through apothecary and gathering does the power flow.
  • BrewingStand - Anything is possible through chemistry
    • GlassBottle - An empty flask, full of potential
    • Book - In knowledge, lies the recipe
    • SpiderEye - Dripping with poison, do not eat
    • GlowstoneDust - Exotic materials provide exotic effects
    • NetherWart - A plant seeming to increase potency

Merchant - Trade is to Profit, as Economy is to Wealth.
  • EmeraldBlock - The aura of wealth emanates from this
    • Emerald - A currency among natives
    • GhastTear - The tear of a bankrupt trader
    • DirtBlock - High quality dirt right here! Step right up!
    • Diamond - Shiny, like a pretty penny
    • GoldIngot - I'm rich!

Farmer - Fields of wheat, pens of meat.
  • HayBale - Harvested with the care of a shepherd.
    • Seeds - The seeds of life
    • Pumpkin - It grew with a face
    • Reeds - Sweet tasting
    • RawBeef - Tenderized!
    • Wheat - Home grown!
here's 3, ill think on more later.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Alchemist - Through apothecary and gathering does the power flow.
  • BrewingStand - Anything is possible through chemistry
    • GlassBottle - An empty flask, full of potential
    • Book - In knowledge, lies the recipe
    • SpiderEye - Dripping with poison, do not eat
    • GlowstoneDust - Exotic materials provide exotic effects
    • NetherWart - A plant seeming to increase potency

Merchant - Trade is to Profit, as Economy is to Wealth.
  • EmeraldBlock - The aura of wealth emanates from this
    • Emerald - A currency among natives
    • GhastTear - The tear of a bankrupt trader
    • DirtBlock - High quality dirt right here! Step right up!
    • Diamond - Shiny, like a pretty penny
    • GoldIngot - I'm rich!

Farmer - Fields of wheat, pens of meat.
  • HayBale - Harvested with the care of a shepherd.
    • Seeds - The seeds of life
    • Pumpkin - It grew with a face
    • Reeds - Sweet tasting
    • RawBeef - Tenderized!
    • Wheat - Home grown!
here's 3, ill think on more later.
If you got time, convert to this style format.

        item: ENCHANTED_BOOK|§6Codex of Bloodmagic|§7§oRight-click to become|§7§oa Bloodmage.|§e§oBlood is thicker than water.
        - hero admin class @p Bloodmage
        run-as: SUPERUSER
        click-type: CLICK_RIGHT
        delay: 0
        cooldown: 1000
        cancel-action: true
        consumed-items: []
        require-sneaking-state: NONE
        consume-self: true
        item: ROTTEN_FLESH|§7Relic of Bloodmagic 1|§fRelic 1 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Bloodmagic.|§e§oGlowing infused flesh.
        item: LEAD|§aRelic of Bloodmagic 2|§fRelic 2 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Bloodmagic.|§e§oBloodbonded thread.
        item: REDSTONE|§6Relic of Bloodmagic 3|§fRelic 3 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Bloodmagic.|§e§oHardened Blood Chips.
        item: TORCH|§5Relic of Bloodmagic 4|§fRelic 4 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Bloodmagic.|§e§oThe Great Lifetree Sapling.
        item: BOOK|§bRelic of Bloodmagic 5|§fRelic 5 of 5|§7§oCombine all five relics|§7§oto create a §6Codex of|§6Bloodmagic.|§e§oThe Cyst, by Melisandra the Red.


Legacy Supporter 3
May 23, 2013
Enchanter - Through the souls of lives spent, greatness is wrought by the scholarly.

• Enchanting Table - Whispering Lexicon of Cryptic Knowledge

---- • Book - Compendium of Spells

---- • Glowstone Dust - Powder of Purification

---- • Enchanted Book - Tome of Incantations

---- • Bookcase - Archives of the Astute

---- • Feather - Quil of the Literit
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