So, before I form my opinion, I want to give a little bit of a story.
My first few days on this new map were chaotic ones, rushing at cows and sheep relentlessly for precious meat and leather. It was intense to be out in the badlands of the map, just outside of spawn, and the risk made the sensation all the better. That constant feeling of kill or be killed was just riveting, and it was an awesome experience. After I had spent several coins, and at least a few hours hunting poor, defenseless cattle, I finally procured the armor in needed to level and survive, so I looked up a good dungeon where I could level, and recklessly charged in with another friend. It was a good experience, fun.
But it gets cheaper as you have to repeat it over and over.
So this dungeon that my friend and I were in, was dangerous, and as a group of higher leveled players ran in, my cowardly friend logged off leaving me to defend myself with exploding sheep and weak-ass fireballs. Of course, being the lvl 34 Beguiler that I was, now restarting my little experience from the beginning was miserable. That "new map, new rules, new risks" sensation gets old really fast, and although I enjoyed the experience while it lasted, doing it again, and again, and again, is just really irritating. Leather isn't easy to procure, and of course all the shit on the market is quite overpriced because new map shortages in the beginning.
Not to mention all the new players, who don't share my past map experiences, who are literally wandering the wilderness with bad chances of survival. Most people quit this server, which by all means isn't a super bad thing. This server is hardcore by name, I'm not trying to undermine that. But when you're trying to encourage PvP in these circumstances, you have two groups. Those who are well equipped, well prepped, and leveled farther than others, and those who are new, under equipped, and every little bit seems so valuable. The better geared group is obviously going to come out on top, and those with very little gear are going to be cursed to relive the same cycle of collecting their gear, spending money, only to die and lose all of their hard earned items once more. So yes, I agree that held items and armor should be kept on death.
Just to say this, I love all map pvp. Not saying anything against that. But this will greatly improve player retention and also make new players more likely to fight than run.
On mobile, ignore the errors.