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  • hey graink, need to talk to you about some things that happened in town. Pm me at some point, or something, please.
    Hey Graink, would Frozenashes_ and I be able to occupy rooms in the gravkoc castle? We are trying to get back into herocraft and we need a place to stay :p
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    Yea sure, I'll get on tonight, I have an exam at 2:00, not sure how we're doing on taxes though, we might need a little donation to start back up :3
    Alright, I'll try to get back to you on that. Been really busy with school so I'm not sure when I'll be on
    Oh Graink. Why is it you forget that Herocraft is a dictatorship? Kainzo and the rest of the admins own and run it. They make the rules. You agreed to this when you applied, didn't you? As for SOPA, well there is a difference. SOPA wanted to censor the internet. Kainzo wants to get rid of mindless ranting. Like he said, if you wanted to discuss it elsewhere, he's fine with that.
    You weren't defending an opinion :/ You were bashing one with your opinion. His idea was a good idea, you just had to make it look bad cause it was his.
    That's incorrect. He asked for change that I didn't want. If anyone else said the same thing, I would still disagree with them. My opinion was that only donors, who sent money during this period, should have got the icon.
    I concur.
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