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An urgent announcement from General Weewoo


Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 10, 2012
United States
Dated 1/12/2015 a document from the General has been written:

Lenorian Empire and the town of Khaoz, and every soul that reside in the Northern Empire, I ask for you to heed my words. The previous acts of aggression and hostility against The Firecreeper Clan and The Town of Skystead have not gone unnoticed. Due to these previous acts of aggression towards the town of Skystead and the Firecreeper clan and the Lenorian Empire showing strong language and acting like PETA when it comes to PvP. The town of Skystead and other citizens of the Southern Continent feel its appropriate to declare war on the entire continent and take over the North continent as a whole. We want our herocraft back! This was triggered by @michael8543 and @TheStoreBot16 have murdered and I mean murdered our slave @bigmandad. This type of aggression is not acceptable. We will enslave your wives and children like you tried to do to ours! We will burn you heathens alive at the stake for attack the firecreeper kingdom you will all perish beneath our swords, we will bathe in your blood and we will then drink it from your skulls! you're faces will be put on display for your families to see as we send them down as permanent slaves to work in the salt mines! We wanted peace but the lenorians attacked... they came in force and started pillaging our villages... They were let untouched for days until our brave army met them on the battlefield, it was a bloody battle but we emerged victorious. Many men died, severed heads and the bodies of many dead men. From this point on and when the peace war periods come out the Lenorian Empire will face serious punishment by the town of Skystead and anyone in the southern continent wishing to join in on the war. Since our war request was declined in game, it is now being taken to the next level a request you cannot deny. Time to drink my apple juice and hang Lenorian Empire citizens!


With Love,
General Weewoo

P.S. You guys can do a scavenger hunt for grammar errors if you so please. There is probably a lot of them!

Watch yourselves.
You are all welcome to join us in the war.


Staff member
Community Manager
Dec 14, 2011
The Rebels of Eclipse have grown to hate the towns of the South, we will be fighting for the North with the Royal Force of the Lenorian Empire! @lukevillani


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2012
Earlier today I led a small party to infiltrate the Lenorians, it was a success! We gained resources and vastly demoralized their Empire. In the future, I will be leading other special operations so get with me in game if you are interested. (GTPs will be provided) I will also be selling runestones inside of their unregioned area. Before anyone steps on their land ALWAYS use a fire pot, it renders them unable to burn you alive which is their only method of defense... for now.


Legacy Supporter 2
Mar 31, 2013
Might as well have two factions (north/south) and let people join a side and go at it haha...
Plz, but if you do this raise the party limit during a huge war so people can form armies, then kinda try to start fights at prime times to get a huge battle going