• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
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  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!

LazyTown - Reformed!


Aug 5, 2011
Age (if you are 13 you are legal): -49 and have parental premissions too join.
How long you have played Herocraft (must have played less than one year): -3 days
Willing to use Discord: -I can't afford 15 dollars for the program, if anyones willing too donate ill consider
Combat Class: -Mesmer
Crafter Profession: -Whitesmith
Why do you wish to join our town?: -Yes
What can you contribute?: -Stuff
Have you ever been muted or banned before? (MUST HAVE RECEIVED EITHER): -No I'm a christian
What is your playstyle? (pve): -Deep extensive roleplay that requires me too become a warrior of space and time where i travel too world too world too become the very best there ever was, also i would like too build a statue for my comemberence. I work hard on my own reputation because im a warrior of space and time and i wish too travel through space in time too create my own existence within that space and time too make that space and time a better place amongst herocraft. I like my character and his name is Whyte Dicerson. He has been through every bit of space and time too conclude his space and time trip. I wish you all will accept Whyte Dicerson as one of your own town members too help with the roleplay community too increase in herocraft.

Do you have a tendency to l*** a**?: -Yes I eat my own ass, i'm flexible. Will demonstrate on tinychat too prove this theory.
Does @Egorh know nothing about balance?: -Who the fuck is Egorh?
Other special requests from @xMJay: -You're totally not a fa***t


Balance Team
Adventure Team
Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 27, 2012
Age (if you are 13 you are legal): -49 and have parental premissions too join.
How long you have played Herocraft (must have played less than one year): -3 days
Willing to use Discord: -I can't afford 15 dollars for the program, if anyones willing too donate ill consider
Combat Class: -Mesmer
Crafter Profession: -Whitesmith
Why do you wish to join our town?: -Yes
What can you contribute?: -Stuff
Have you ever been muted or banned before? (MUST HAVE RECEIVED EITHER): -No I'm a christian
What is your playstyle? (pve): -Deep extensive roleplay that requires me too become a warrior of space and time where i travel too world too world too become the very best there ever was, also i would like too build a statue for my comemberence. I work hard on my own reputation because im a warrior of space and time and i wish too travel through space in time too create my own existence within that space and time too make that space and time a better place amongst herocraft. I like my character and his name is Whyte Dicerson. He has been through every bit of space and time too conclude his space and time trip. I wish you all will accept Whyte Dicerson as one of your own town members too help with the roleplay community too increase in herocraft.

Do you have a tendency to l*** a**?: -Yes I eat my own ass, i'm flexible. Will demonstrate on tinychat too prove this theory.
Does @Egorh know nothing about balance?: -Who the fuck is Egorh?
Other special requests from @xMJay: -You're totally not a fa***t
Obviously not taking this application seriously, denied


Senior Staff
Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 1, 2013
IGN: TheUberNerd
Age (if you are 13 you are legal):
How long you have played Herocraft (must have played less than one year):
Willing to use Discord:
Combat Class:
Crafter Profession:
Why do you wish to join our town?:
What can you contribute?:
Have you ever been muted or banned before? (MUST HAVE RECEIVED EITHER):
What is your playstyle? (pve):

Do you have a tendency to l*** a**?:
Does @Egorh know nothing about balance?:
Fantastic application. However We have to say no for excessive use of gang


Dec 3, 2012
IGN: Paul_Bakken
Age (if you are 13 you are legal): Yes.
How long you have played Herocraft (must have played less than one year): I have been on the server for over four years, but most other players would say that I don't really "play." So, on the balance, I guess I have played for less than one year. On the other hand, you didn't specify "Earth year," so technically anyone could say that they have played HeroCraft for less than a year. Like, a Neptunian year or something.
Willing to use Discord: Ugh. I guess.
Combat Class: Lost Soul. Sometimes Ranger.
Crafter Profession: Any.
Why do you wish to join our town?: Mostly on the off chance that you wayward children will stop ambushing me out in the wilds when I'm building stuff.
What can you contribute?: Curmudgeonly contempt. I may also enlighten you with the true message and blessings of the Blight.
Have you ever been muted or banned before? (MUST HAVE RECEIVED EITHER): I think I effectively muted myself once by accidentally leaving all chat channels. I was also banned for three days once on a different server for dispensing revolutionary justice.
What is your playstyle? (PvE): PvE, but usually more PvS ( Player vs. Self)

Do you have a tendency to l*** a**?: Lift Axe? Only when playing as a Ranger or chopping wood.
Does @Egorh know nothing about balance?: Everyone knows nothing about balance. Even people who know a lot also know nothing.
Other special requests from @xMJay: Embrace the Blight.
Aug 29, 2015
IGN: PoofDaddy
Age (if you are 13 you are legal): 20
How long you have played Herocraft (must have played less than one year): Not for a year total, but started a couple years ago
Willing to use Discord: Yes
Combat Class: Wizard
Crafter Profession: Crafter, Might become a miner?
Why do you wish to join our town?: To be in a town
What can you contribute?: Build, Mine, Fight
Have you ever been muted or banned before? (MUST HAVE RECEIVED EITHER): No
What is your playstyle? (pve): Kill stuff from afar

Do you have a tendency to l*** a**?: Lick Ass? No...
Does @Egorh know nothing about balance?: No
Other special requests from @xMJay


May 8, 2014
a womb.
IGN: jakeM56
Age (if you are 13 you are legal):13
How long you have played Herocraft (must have played less than one year): I bought it a week ago
Willing to use Discord: sure
Combat Class: the one that can disappear and run
Crafter Profession: dont know yet
Why do you wish to join our town?: I think your town is kool
What can you contribute?: Alot if any of you dont mind getting STD's, but if you do not much to contribute.
Have you ever been muted or banned before? (MUST HAVE RECEIVED EITHER): either
What is your playstyle? (pve): I have graet building skills and i can make torches and some sticks.

Do you have a tendency to l*** a**?: very rude thing to say
Does @Egorh know nothing about balance?: Whos that


Jul 2, 2013
IGN: Paul_Bakken
Age (if you are 13 you are legal): Yes.
How long you have played Herocraft (must have played less than one year): I have been on the server for over four years, but most other players would say that I don't really "play." So, on the balance, I guess I have played for less than one year. On the other hand, you didn't specify "Earth year," so technically anyone could say that they have played HeroCraft for less than a year. Like, a Neptunian year or something.
Willing to use Discord: Ugh. I guess.
Combat Class: Lost Soul. Sometimes Ranger.
Crafter Profession: Any.
Why do you wish to join our town?: Mostly on the off chance that you wayward children will stop ambushing me out in the wilds when I'm building stuff.
What can you contribute?: Curmudgeonly contempt. I may also enlighten you with the true message and blessings of the Blight.
Have you ever been muted or banned before? (MUST HAVE RECEIVED EITHER): I think I effectively muted myself once by accidentally leaving all chat channels. I was also banned for three days once on a different server for dispensing revolutionary justice.
What is your playstyle? (PvE): PvE, but usually more PvS ( Player vs. Self)

Do you have a tendency to l*** a**?: Lift Axe? Only when playing as a Ranger or chopping wood.
Does @Egorh know nothing about balance?: Everyone knows nothing about balance. Even people who know a lot also know nothing.
Other special requests from @xMJay: Embrace the Blight.

Accepted! I will get someone to help get you started, and if not, I'll reach out to you tomorrow! I've gotta sleep! xD


Senior Staff
Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 1, 2013
IGN: jakeM56
Age (if you are 13 you are legal):13
How long you have played Herocraft (must have played less than one year): I bought it a week ago
Willing to use Discord: sure
Combat Class: the one that can disappear and run
Crafter Profession: dont know yet
Why do you wish to join our town?: I think your town is kool
What can you contribute?: Alot if any of you dont mind getting STD's, but if you do not much to contribute.
Have you ever been muted or banned before? (MUST HAVE RECEIVED EITHER): either
What is your playstyle? (pve): I have graet building skills and i can make torches and some sticks.

Do you have a tendency to l*** a**?: very rude thing to say
Does @Egorh know nothing about balance?: Whos that
I'm not even in this town anymore but still, denied


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 11, 2012
IGN: Paul_Bakken
Age (if you are 13 you are legal): Yes.
How long you have played Herocraft (must have played less than one year): I have been on the server for over four years, but most other players would say that I don't really "play." So, on the balance, I guess I have played for less than one year. On the other hand, you didn't specify "Earth year," so technically anyone could say that they have played HeroCraft for less than a year. Like, a Neptunian year or something.
Willing to use Discord: Ugh. I guess.
Combat Class: Lost Soul. Sometimes Ranger.
Crafter Profession: Any.
Why do you wish to join our town?: Mostly on the off chance that you wayward children will stop ambushing me out in the wilds when I'm building stuff.
What can you contribute?: Curmudgeonly contempt. I may also enlighten you with the true message and blessings of the Blight.
Have you ever been muted or banned before? (MUST HAVE RECEIVED EITHER): I think I effectively muted myself once by accidentally leaving all chat channels. I was also banned for three days once on a different server for dispensing revolutionary justice.
What is your playstyle? (PvE): PvE, but usually more PvS ( Player vs. Self)

Do you have a tendency to l*** a**?: Lift Axe? Only when playing as a Ranger or chopping wood.
Does @Egorh know nothing about balance?: Everyone knows nothing about balance. Even people who know a lot also know nothing.
Other special requests from @xMJay: Embrace the Blight.

Paul, you are somewhat of a lore in our town (Apex). Any chance you want to decide instead to join us and dump these dweebs?

911InsideJob, how much do you want for this guy? I'm willing to pay a few wheat stacks. @timewarp01 @kongrave can we afford to trade some gold, frankense, and mur for this guy?


Senior Staff
Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 1, 2013